Title | Aquatic macroinvertebrate structure in a high-Andean stream of the Cordillera real, Bolivia: annual and longitudinal variations in relation to environmental factors |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2008 |
Authors | Arzabe, CIMolina, Gibon, F-M, Pinto, J, Rosales, C |
Journal | Ecologia Aplicada |
Volume | 7 |
Pagination | 105–116 |
ISSN | 1726-2216 |
Abstract | This work describes the structure of a macro invertebrate community in a high Andean stream of the Bolivian Amazon basin. Annual and longitudinal variations in relation to environmental factors are described. This stream has a low longitudinal heterogeneity, high flow variations, and is free of anthropogenic influences. In addition, this river as many other high-Andean waterways, is fed and consequently regulated by a glacier (Mururata). This is a diminishing phenomenon, so the river is threatened by the disappearance of tropical glaciers due the global climatic warming. The effects on the aquatic fauna could be drastic. Our results show low taxa richness, which are nevertheless abundant, especially those macro invertebrates whose populations are permanent: Baetidae (Andesiops peruvianus), Leptophlebiidae (Meridialaris tintinnabula), Gripopterygidae (Claudioperla tigrina), Simuliidae, Chironomidae and Oligochaeta. Using Multivariate Analysis, we demonstrate that the densities and richness of the benthic populations are under the influence of hydrological discharge variations. |
URL | http://apps.isiknowledge.com/InboundService.do?Func=Frame&product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&UT=ZOOREC:ZOOR14506038535 |