Río Muyupampa – affluent temporaire du bassin du Parapeti, Chaco bolivien
2013 to 2016
Scientific cooperation
South America

People involved

Hydrological Balance, biological quality and water management in the Bolivian Chaco.


This project aims at establishing scenarios of availability evolution and water management from the Parapeti basin in the semi-arid region of Bolivian Chaco.

International teams of climatologists, hydrologists, ecologists and specialists of the water management collaborate for:

  • Set up scenarios of long-term evolution of the hydrological balance (100 years) within the framework of the regional climate change predictions.
  • Adapt bio-index based on river macro-invertebrates to watch the global ecological quality of the rivers.
  • Adapt a tool for environmental flow evaluation based on fish assemblage (flow to maintain in the rivers to protect their biodiversity and the ecological associated services.
  • Develop a model of water management and propose strategic actions for a sustainable use of water resources.

This project is financed by IRD and Total E&P Bolivia, and benefits from an institutional support of all the partners.