Post-doc offer: «Study of new international biodiversity indicators based on phylogenetic originality and the probability of extinction of species: identification of HEDGE and LEDGE species »
Location: UMR BOREA and UMR 7204 CESCO (Centre d’écologie et des sciences de la conservation)
Supervisors: Boris Leroy, assistant professor MNHN, UMR BOREA and Sandrine Pavoine, assistant professor MNHN, UMR 7204 Cesco
Funders: Labex « Diversités biologiques et culturelles : origines, évolution, interactions, devenir » (BCDiv)
Starting date: 01/09/2017 (flexible)
The candidate must hold a PhD diploma in Ecology, Evolutionary biology and/or Conservation biology. Good knowledge of the R environment is required. Good level in English language is a prerequisite. French language is not a prerequisite.
Applications have to be sent as a single pdf by email by May 7th 2017 midnight.