Title | Response of phytoplankton traits to environmental variables in French lakes: New perspectives for bioindication |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Derot, J, Jamoneau, A, Teichert, N, Rosebery, J, Morin, S, Laplace-Treyture, C |
Journal | Ecological Indicators |
Volume | 108 |
Pagination | 105659 |
Date Published | Jan-01-2020 |
ISSN | 1470160X |
Abstract | The restoration and the preservation of aquatics ecosystems is a critical issue in our contemporary society. In lake ecosystems, phytoplankton taxonomic-based indicators have been developed to evaluate water quality, but suffer of limited ecosystem ecological value. The recent development of functional approaches may allow to evaluate other aspects of ecosystem quality, and to develop new trait-based indicators responding to different environmental conditions. Here, our aim was to analyze the response of phytoplankton traits to numerous environmental variables and to identify relevant traits for the development of future indicator metrics. We used a French national database of 469 lakes, consisting in phytoplankton biovolumes and physicochemical values. The response of 84 morpho-functional traits towards environmental variables was tested with Machine Learning models, taking into account lake typology. |
URL | https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1470160X19306521 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105659 |
Short Title | Ecological Indicators |
Response of phytoplankton traits to environmental variables in French lakes: New perspectives for bioindication
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