Our new logo!
Our new logo!
Our new logo represents the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinarity of our Laboratory: a wide range of biological models, a large spectrum of aquatic ecosystems and disciplines.
Colours: the colour blue has an aquatic connotation - the pillar of our activities - and variations have been chosen to symbolise the plurality of the studied marine ecosystems: oceanic, coastal and freshwater hydro-systems; temperate, tropical or polar regions. Blue symbolises what is constantly moving, such as waves. The colour orange symbolises the land-sea continuum and reminds interface ecosystems: coastal and freshwater ecosystems, mangroves. The orange combines stimulation, energy, action and cohesion; it is used here to remind the dynamism of our teams! This visual identity can be found on the BOREA Laboratory website.
Shapes: The new logo combines 3 shapes. First, our logo has a rectangular shape that is synonymous with creation; the panoramic orientation reflects the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of BOREA. Second, wavy lines, a symbol of dynamism and movement, are a reminiscent of waves, i.e. aquatic ecosystems. Movements towards the wavy orange line remind the land-sea continuum and show an ascending perspective. Finally, emphasis is placed on the 'O' of BOREA. Circles do not begin nor end and move without restriction, suggesting creativity and unity. It shows that our Laboratory has a global presence.
Illustrations: In the 'O' of BOREA, we can see the globe that reminds that our Laboratory is working on several study sites around the world. The orientation has been chosen to attest to our presence in Europe, South America (Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, the Caribbean) and polar ecosystems. The fish, a typical emblem of aquatic environments, put the emphasis on 'ecosystems’. As the fish is jumping out of water, it symbolises our dynamism!