Relationship between individual and group learning in a marine teleost: A case study with sea bass under self-feeding conditions

TitleRelationship between individual and group learning in a marine teleost: A case study with sea bass under self-feeding conditions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBenhaïm, D, Ferrari, S, Colchen, T, Chatain, B, Bégout, M-L
JournalLearning & Behavior
Pagination276 - 286
Date PublishedJan-09-2017
KeywordsGroup conditions, Operant conditioning, Personality traits, Positive reinforcement, Producer-scrounger, Social structure

Fish learning and cognition are usually approached by testing single individuals in various devices such as mazes that have serious drawbacks, especially in gregarious species, including the stress induced by the test procedure. This might impair the results and lead to misinterpretation about the learn- ing abilities of the targeted species. In order to provide an alter- native to the individual-based tests, we investigated for the first time the operant conditioning of four similar groups (50 indi- viduals per tank) of sea bass. We used two computerized self- feeder devices per tank, each coupled with individual electronic identification and that were alternately activated during varying positive appetitive reinforcement period of time (7 to 1 day). Learning abilities were examined at both group and individual levels. At the group level, the operant conditioning was dem- onstrated as the triggering activity significantly decreased when the device was turned off and increased when it was turned on, whatever the reinforcement period duration. The individual level analysis revealed a more complex situation with fish showing different learning performances that can be best ex- plained through the producer-scrounger game theory.

Short TitleLearn Behav
Catégorie HCERES
ACL - Peer-reviewed articles
Publication coopération et recherche SUD