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Rose, Morgane , Agnès Dettai, Stéphane Lefèbvre, Laurence Blanc, Nicolas Poulet, Olivier Baudier, Mélyne Hautecoeur, et Gaël Denys. 2020. « Upstream As A Sanctuary For The French Populations Of Catalan Chub Squalius Laietanus (Teleostei , Leuciscidae) Threatened By The Allochtonous European Chub S. Cephalus ». Sibic 2020.
Dettai, Agnès , et Patrice Pruvost. 2015. « Storage Of Karyotyped Voucher Specimens And Their Molecular Identification ». Dans Fish Cytogenetic Techniques: Ray-Fin Fishes And Chondrichthyans, CRC Press. CRC Press.
Denys, Gaël PJ, Théo Lauga, Giovanni B Delmastro, et Agnès Dettai. 2018. « S7 Characterization Of Western European Pikes Esox Spp. (Actinopterygii, Esociformes) ». Cybium 42 (3): 221-228.
Icône PDF Denys et al 2018 Esox S7.pdf (1.17 Mo)
Denys, Gaël , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Piotr Daszkiewicz, Mélyne Hautecoeur, et Philippe Keith. 2020. « Revision Of Phoxinus In France With The Description Of Two New Species (Teleostei, Leuciscidae) ». Cybium 44 (3): 205-237.
Icône PDF Denys et al 2020 Phoxinus taxonomy.pdf (5.51 Mo)
Denys, Gaël , Silvia Perea, Agnès Dettai, Camille Gauliard, Henri Persat, et Ignacio Doadrio. 2021. « Revalidation Of The Spanish Stone Loach Barbatula Hispanica (Lelek, 1987) (Teleostei, Nemacheilidae) According To Morphological And Mitochondrial Data ». Annales De Limnologie - International Journal Of Limnology 57: 10. doi:10.1051/limn/2021007. https://www.limnology-journal.org/10.1051/limn/2021007.
Icône PDF Denys et al 2021 Barbatula hispanica.pdf (4.44 Mo)
Papetti, Chiara , Massimiliano Babbucci, Agnès Dettai, Andrea Basso, Magnus Lucassen, Lars Harms, Céline Bonillo, Franz Maximilian Heindler, Tomaso Patarnello, et Enrico Negrisolo. 2021. « Not Frozen In The Ice: Large And Dynamic Rearrangements In The Mitochondrial Genomes Of The Antarctic Fish ». Genome Biology And Evolution 13 (3). doi:10.1093/gbe/evab017. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evab017.
Taillebois, Laura , Magalie Castelin, Clara Lord, Ryan Chabarria, Agnès Dettai, et Philippe Keith. 2014. « New Sicydiinae Phylogeny (Teleostei: Gobioidei) Inferred From Mitochondrial And Nuclear Genes: Insights On Systematics And Ancestral Areas. ». Mol Phylogenet Evol 70: 260-71. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.09.026.
Icône PDF Taillebois et al, 2014 - New Sicydiinae phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear genes Insights on systematics and ancestral areas.pdf (4.77 Mo)
Couëdel, Marion , Agnès Dettai, Mireille MM Guillaume, Fleur Bruggemann, Sophie Bureau, Baptiste Frattini, Amélie Verde Ferreira, Jean‐Lindsay Azie, et Henrich J. Bruggemann. 2023. « New Insights Into The Diversity Of Cryptobenthic Cirripectes Blennies In The Mascarene Archipelago Sampled Using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (Arms) ». Ecology And Evolution 13 (3). doi:10.1002/ece3.v13.310.1002/ece3.9850. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/20457758/13/3.
Icône PDF Couedel etal 2023 New insights into the diversity of cryptobenthic Cirripectes blennies.pdf (4.29 Mo)
Denys, Gaël , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Mélyne Hautecoeur, et Philippe Keith. 2014. « Morphological And Molecular Evidence Of Three Species Of Pikes Esox Spp. (Actinopterygii, Esocidae) In France, Including The Description Of A New Species ». Comptes Rendus Biologies 337 (9): 521-534. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2014.07.002.
Icône PDF Denys et al 2014 Esox aquitanicus.pdf (1.89 Mo)
Denys, Gaël , Geiger Mathias, Henri Persat, Philippe Keith, et Agnès Dettai. 2015. « Invalidity Of Gasterosteus Gymnurus (Cuvier, 1829) (Actinopterygii, Gasterosteidae) According To Integrative Taxonomy.  ». Cybium 39 (1): 37-45.
Icône PDF 08-Denys 908[391]37-45.pdf (1.71 Mo)
Hubert, Nicolas , Agnès Dettai, Patrice Pruvost, Corinne Cruaud, Michel Kulbicki, Robert F Myers, et Philippe Borsa. 2017. « Geography And Life History Traits Account For The Accumulation Of Cryptic Diversity Among Indo-West Pacific Coral Reef Fishes ». Marine Ecology Progress Series 583: 179–193.
Denys, Gaël , Henri Persat, Agnès Dettai, Geiger Mathias, J Freyhof, J Fesquet, et Philippe Keith. 2018. « Genetic And Morphological Discrimination Of Three Species Of Ninespined Stickleback Pungitius Spp. (Teleostei, Gasterosteidae) In France With The Revalidation Of Pungitius Vulgaris (Mauduyt, 1848) ». J Zool Syst Evol Res 2017: 1–25.
Icône PDF jzs_12178_Rev.pdf (3.93 Mo)
Lord, Clara , Laure Bellec, Agnès Dettai, Céline Bonillo, et Philippe Keith. 2019. « Does Your Lip Stick? Evolutionary Aspects Of The Mouth Morphology Of The Indo-Pacific Clinging Goby Of The Sicyopterus Genus (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae) Based On Mitogenome Phylogeny. ». Journal Of Zoological Systematics And Evolutionary Research. doi:DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12291.
Gauliard, Camille , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Philippe Keith, et Gaël Denys. 2019. « Barbatula Leoparda (Actinopterygii, Nemacheilidae), A New Endemic Species Of Stone Loach Of French Catalonia ». Cybium 43 (2): 169-177.
Icône PDF 10-Gauliard 1086 [Cybium 2019, 432].pdf (2.36 Mo)