2-years Post-doctoral Position in Aquatic Ecology in Toulouse

01 Jul 2015

2-years Post-doctoral Position in Aquatic Ecology in Toulouse

We seek an ecologist (preferably aquatic, but not necessarily) with expertise in community and population ecology at large spatial and temporal scales to analyze the effect of different sources of hydrologic fragmentation on fish assemblages and species, accounting for their biological traits. The ideal candidate will hold a PhD in Community or Population Ecology, have experience in managing and analyzing large multivariate datasets including species occurrences and abundances in space and time, species traits, environmental pressures, and ideally, hydrological networks (note that this last point is not necessary). Strong skills are required in statistical data analysis and modeling using R programming language. Experience with geographic information system software, such as QGIS, is desirable.

The postdoctoral fellow will join the Aquatic Ecology team (AQUAECO) of the Evolution & Biological Diversity Lab in Toulouse University (Toulouse, France) and will work in collaboration with the Macroecology& Biodiversity team of the BOREA research unit from the MNHN (Paris, France). The work of the AQUAECO and BOREA research groups aims at understanding the processes that structure the composition and the functioning of aquatic populations and communities in the general context of global changes.

The successful candidate will conduct a combined analysis of two large databases released by the ONEMA (Office National de l’Eau et des Milieux Aquatiques) for French rivers: freshwater fish samplings and fragmentation by dams and weirs. The impact of fragmentation will be approached by analyzing the temporal and spatial dynamics of fish diversity components facing different levels of fragmentation and accounting for the biology and ecology of species, their distribution, the permeability and spatial configuration of obstacles, the climatic and habitat conditions and other human-related pressures. These analyses will involve broad ecological concepts such as metapopulations, spatial synchronism and taxonomic and functional similarity.

Salary: Commensurate with experience (but around 2000 euros monthly net salary).

Closing date: Open until filled. Ideally by July 2015

Contact/Email: To apply send e-mail application (CV, cover letter, contact information from 2 references) to :

Pablo A. Tedesco Email

UMR BOREA Biologie des Organismes et des Ecosystèmes Aquatiques (DMPA – MNHN), 43, rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris (France)   &

UMR EDB Evolution & Diversité Biologique,  Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Bâtiment 4R1, 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse (France) 

Tel : +33 (0)5 61 55 67 47