9th International Crustacean Congress (ICC) : 22-25 mai 2018, Washington (Etats-Unis)

22 May 2018 to 25 May 2018

Le 9e International Crustacean Congress (ICC 9), organisé par la Crustacean Society,  se tient à Washington du 22 au 25 mai 2018. Plusieurs chercheur.e.s de l'UMR BOREA y participent et interviennent.

Communications orales :

  • Synchronism in the naupliar development of Sacculina carcini is explained by synchronized cell division
    Audebert F., Tredez F., Galindo L.A, Maury B., Rabet N.


  • Ngs sequencing on brazilian spinicaudatan diversity
    Rabet N.,  Rogers D.C., Ferreira A.O., Lacau S., Bonillo C.


  • The large branchiopods of New Caledonia
    Rabet N., Timms B. , Charpin N., Bonillo C.


  • Evolution of mitogenome reorganization in crustaceans: from the extreme case of sacculine to a more classical situation in branchiopods
    Rabet N., Audebert F., Galindo L.-A., Bonillo C.


  • The complex study of complexes: the first well-supported phylogeny of two species complexes within genus caridina (decapoda: caridea: atyidae) sheds light on evolution, biogeography, and ecology
    De Mazencourt V. , Klotz W., Marquet G., Mos B., Rogers D.C., Keith P.


Posters présentés :

  • Looking for sacculina (rhizocephala, cirripedia)
    Galindo L.A., Pellen F., Rabet N., Audebert F. 


  • Are some cuticular parts conserved for studying the life history of amphidromous caridina shrimps (decapoda: caridea: atyidae)?
    De Mazencourt V., Djediat C., Keith P., Luquet G.
