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Chevallier, Damien , Frédéric Jiguet, Thérèse Nore, François Baillon, and Pascal Cavallin. 2010. Satellite Tracking Of A Booted Eagle Aquila Pennata During Migration. Ringing & Migration 25 (1): 62 - 64. doi:10.1080/03078698.2010.9674418.
Chevallier, Damien , Frédéric Jiguet, Thérèse Nore, François Baillon, and Pascal Cavallin. 2010. Satellite Tracking Of A Booted Eagle Aquila Pennata During Migration. Ringing & Migration 25 (1): 62 - 64. doi:10.1080/03078698.2010.9674418.
Dassié, Emilie , Kristine DeLong, Hali Kilbourne, Branwen Williams, Nerilie Abram, Logan Brenner, Chloé Brahmi, et al.. 2017. Saving Our Marine Archives. Eos. doi:10.1029/2017EO068159.
Dassié, Emilie , Kristine DeLong, Hali Kilbourne, Branwen Williams, Nerilie Abram, Logan Brenner, Chloé Brahmi, et al.. 2017. Saving Our Marine Archives. Eos. doi:10.1029/2017EO068159.
Courbin, Nicolas , Lorien Pichegru, Mduduzi Seakamela, Azwianewi Makhado, Michael Meÿer, Pieter GH Kotze, Steven AMc Cue, Clara Péron, and David Grémillet. 2022. Seascapes Of Fear And Competition Shape Regional Seabird Movement Ecology. Communications Biology 5 (1). doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03151-z.
Courbin, Nicolas , Lorien Pichegru, Mduduzi Seakamela, Azwianewi Makhado, Michael Meÿer, Pieter GH Kotze, Steven AMc Cue, Clara Péron, and David Grémillet. 2022. Seascapes Of Fear And Competition Shape Regional Seabird Movement Ecology. Communications Biology 5 (1). doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03151-z.
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Caracciolo, Mariarita , Fabienne Rigaut‐Jalabert, Sarah Romac, Frédéric Mahé, Samuel Forsans, Jean‐Philippe Gac, Laure Arsenieff, et al.. 2022. Seasonal Dynamics Of Marine Protist Communities In Tidally Mixed Coastal Waters. Molecular Ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.16539.
Caracciolo, Mariarita , Fabienne Rigaut‐Jalabert, Sarah Romac, Frédéric Mahé, Samuel Forsans, Jean‐Philippe Gac, Laure Arsenieff, et al.. 2022. Seasonal Dynamics Of Marine Protist Communities In Tidally Mixed Coastal Waters. Molecular Ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.16539.
Bridier, Guillaume , Frédéric Olivier, Jacques Grall, Laurent Chauvaud, Mikael K Sejr, and Rejean Tremblay. 2023. Seasonal Lipid Dynamics Of Four Arctic Bivalves: Implications For Their Physiological Capacities To Cope With Future Changes In Coastal Ecosystemsabstract. Ecology And Evolution 13 (11). doi:10.1002/ece3.v13.1110.1002/ece3.10691.
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Breton, Elsa , Urania Christaki, Benoit Sautour, Oscar Demonio, Dimitra-Ioli Skouroliakou, Grégory Beaugrand, Laurent Seuront, et al.. 2021. Seasonal Variations In The Biodiversity, Ecological Strategy, And Specialization Of Diatoms And Copepods In A Coastal System With Phaeocystis Blooms: The Key Role Of Trait Trade-Offs. Frontiers In Marine Science 8: 1178.
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Breton, Elsa , Urania Christaki, Benoit Sautour, Oscar Demonio, Dimitra-Ioli Skouroliakou, Grégory Beaugrand, Laurent Seuront, et al.. 2021. Seasonal Variations In The Biodiversity, Ecological Strategy, And Specialization Of Diatoms And Copepods In A Coastal System With Phaeocystis Blooms: The Key Role Of Trait Trade-Offs. Frontiers In Marine Science 8: 1178.
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Chazeau, Charlotte , S.P. Iglésias, Clara Péron, Nicolas Gasco, Alexis Martin, and Guy Duhamel. 2019. Shark Bycatch Observed In The Bottom Longline Fishery Off The Kerguelen Islands In 2006-2016, With A Focus On Etmopterus Viator. Second Symposium On The Kerguelen Plateau. Kingston, Tasmania, Australia: Australian Antarctic Division.
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Coulon, Noémie , Stanislas Pilet, Anne Lizé, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Anthony Sturbois, Aurèle Toussaint, Eric Feunteun, and Alexandre Carpentier. 2024. Shark Critical Life Stage Vulnerability To Monthly Temperature Variations Under Climate Change. Marine Environmental Research 198: 106531. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106531.
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Coulon, Noémie , Stanislas Pilet, Anne Lizé, Thomas Lacoue-Labarthe, Anthony Sturbois, Aurèle Toussaint, Eric Feunteun, and Alexandre Carpentier. 2024. Shark Critical Life Stage Vulnerability To Monthly Temperature Variations Under Climate Change. Marine Environmental Research 198: 106531. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106531.
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Latire, T , Florence Legendre, Nicolas Bigot, Ludovic Carduner, Sabrina Kellouche, Mouloud Bouyoucef, Franck Carreiras, et al. 2014. Shell Extracts From The Marine Bivalve Pecten Maximus Regulate The Synthesis Of Extracellular Matrix In Primary Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts.. Plos One 9 (6): e99931. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099931.
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Latire, T , Florence Legendre, Nicolas Bigot, Ludovic Carduner, Sabrina Kellouche, Mouloud Bouyoucef, Franck Carreiras, et al. 2014. Shell Extracts From The Marine Bivalve Pecten Maximus Regulate The Synthesis Of Extracellular Matrix In Primary Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts.. Plos One 9 (6): e99931. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099931.
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Latire, Thomas , Florence Legendre, Mouloud Bouyoucef, Frédéric Marin, Franck Carreiras, Muriel Rigot-Jolivet, Jean-Marc Lebel, Philippe Galéra, and Antoine Serpentini. 2017. Shell Extracts Of The Edible Mussel And Oyster Induce An Enhancement Of The Catabolic Pathway Of Human Skin Fibroblasts, In Vitro. Cytotechnology 69 (5): 815 - 829. doi:10.1007/s10616-017-0096-1.
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Olivier, Frédéric , Blandine Gaillard, Julien Thebault, Tarik Meziane, Rejean Tremblay, Dany Dumont, Simon Bélanger, et al.. 2020. Shells Of The Bivalve Astarte Moerchi Give New Evidence Of A Strong Pelagic-Benthic Coupling Shift Occurring Since The Late 1970S In The North Water Polynya. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences 378 (2181): 20190353. doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0353.
Courbin, Nicolas , Aurélien Besnard, Clara Péron, Claire Saraux, Jérôme Fort, Samuel Perret, Jérémy Tornos, and David Grémillet. 2018. Short-Term Prey Field Lability Constrains Individual Specialisation In Resource Selection And Foraging Site Fidelity In A Marine Predator. Ecology Letters 21 (7): 1043 - 1054. doi:10.1111/ele.2018.21.issue-710.1111/ele.12970.
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Ramos-Silva, Paula , Jaap Kaandorp, Frédéric Herbst, Laurent Plasseraud, G Alcaraz, Christine Stern, Marion Corneillat, et al.. 2014. The Skeleton Of The Staghorn Coral Acropora Millepora: Molecular And Structural Characterization.. Plos One 9 (6): e97454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097454.
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Bridier, Guillaume , Tarik Meziane, Jacques Grall, Laurent Chauvaud, Sébastien Donnet, Pascal Lazure, and Frédéric Olivier. 2021. Sources, Quality And Transfers Of Organic Matter In A Highly-Stratified Sub-Arctic Coastal System (Saint-Pierre-Et-Miquelon, Nw Atlantic). Progress In Oceanography: 102483. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102483.
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Subramaniam, Roshni C, Stuart P Corney, Jessica Melbourne-Thomas, Clara Péron, Philippe Ziegler, and Kerrie M Swadling. 2022. Spatially Explicit Food Web Modelling To Consider Fisheries Impacts And Ecosystem Representation Within Marine Protected Areas On The Kerguelen Plateauabstract. Ices Journal Of Marine Science 79 (4): 1327 - 1339. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsac056.
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