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Leoville, Alexandre , Raphaël Lagarde, Henri Grondin, Laëtitia Faivre, Elisa Rasoanirina, and Nils Teichert. 2021. Influence Of Environmental Conditions On The Distribution Of Burrows Of The Mud Crab, Scylla Serrata, In A Fringing Mangrove Ecosystem. Regional Studies In Marine Science 43: 101684. doi:10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101684.
Lagarde, Raphaël , Nils Teichert, Henri Grondin, Thomas Hue, Philippe Gaudin, and Dominique Ponton. 2020. Influence Of Larval And Juvenile Life History On Age At First Maturity In Two Tropical Amphidromous Fish Species. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 29 (1): 63 - 73. doi:10.1111/eff.v29.110.1111/eff.12488.