Title | A new species and additional records of Paraliparis (Scorpaeniformes : Liparidae) from the Southern Ocean with a provisional field key to juveniles |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2003 |
Authors | Chernova, NV, Duhamel, G |
Journal | Cybium |
Volume | 27 |
Pagination | 137–151 |
ISSN | 0399-0974 |
Abstract | A small collection of liparid fishes was made by French scientific or fishing cruises off the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands in the recent years. A new species, P. obliquosus sp. n., is described. Other species collected included: Paraliparis copei kerguelensis, P. copei wilsoni, P gracilis, P. neelovi with a closely related form designated as P. cf. neelovi, P. operculosus, P. thalassobathyalis, and also one young fish of an undescribed species, Paraliparis sp. Additional diagnostic characters were found for P copei wilsoni and P. copei kerguelensis. They include: chin pores open separately (vs in a common pit), interneural of the first dorsal ray situated between vertebrae 5/6 to 8/9 (vs between 3/4 to 5/6), skin of specimens in alcohol cream-brown (vs milky pale), chin and snout blackish-brown (vs pale), anus slightly behind a vertical through the gill opening (vs slightly in front of it). The Crozet islands constitute an extension of the geographical distribution and of the bathymetric range (700-1040 in vs 960-1134 m) for Pc. wilsoni. Some differences in Paraliparis gracilis were found between specimens from South Georgia (Atlantic sector of Southern Ocean) and those from the Crozet islands (Indian sector). Paraliparis operculosus occurred deeper than previously (1129-1295 m vs 380-1010 m). Paraliparis thalassobathyalis appeared polymorphic, with three different types, mainly recognized by the shape of head and body and colour patterns. They might represent sexual dimorphic differences, or epibenthic and pelagic forms, although our material was insufficient for final conclusion. Juveniles of 13.2 - 44.0 mm SL of R obliquosus, P. neelovi, P. cf. neelovi, P operculosus, P. thalassobathyalis and Paraliparis sp. were found pelagically. A field key to early juveniles of the nine Paraliparis is proposed. |
URL | http://apps.isiknowledge.com/InboundService.do?Func=Frame&product=WOS&action=retrieve&SrcApp=EndNote&Init=Yes&SrcAuth=ResearchSoft&mode=FullRecord&UT=WOS:000185239700007 |