Offre Post-Doctorat 2 ans | Review of impacts of offshore wind farms on marine and coastal biodiversity and social-ecosystems, Caen

Offre Post-Doctorat 2 ans | Review of impacts of offshore wind farms on marine and coastal biodiversity and social-ecosystems, Caen

Post-doctoral offer: Review of impacts of offshore wind farms on marine and coastal biodiversity and social-ecosystems

Location: Caen (Normandy), France

Duration: 24 months, beginning June the 15th , 2023. 

How to apply: send a cv and motivation letter before May the 2 nd, 2023, to and For more information please contact

Selected candidates will be auditioned May, the 10th, 2023 

The postdoctoral position will be held in the context of a collective scientific review, in order to establish the state of the art of scientific knowledge on the effects of offshore wind farms and their connections on marine and coastal environments in all their dimensions, based on the available scientific literature. This expertise will synthesise the research findings and highlight the uncertainties, controversies and gaps in knowledge on this subject.

Located in the University of Caen Normandy, attached to the CNRS-MPES (Mission for scientific expertise), hosted by the Laboratory BOREA (Biology of Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems), the postdoc will be advised by Cédric Bacher (Ifremer) and Nathalie Niquil (CNRS/BOREA), and will work with documentalists from Ifremer and CNRS. The systematic literature review will be based on scientific publications in peer reviewed journals and on the joint work of a group of experts of about 20 scientists, whose work will be coordinated by the two pilots and supervisors of the work of the postdoctoral fellow. This group of experts will cover different fields (e.g. physics, ecology, economics, socio-anthropology, ocean law and engineering).


The post-doctoral fellow will conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature, according to international standards The activities will comprise the following actions:

(1) systematic mapping of knowledge,

(2) definition of a method for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of impact assessment following international standards (e.g. the "Collaboration for Environmental Evidence")

(3) analysis of standards for characterising uncertainties from international syntheses (IPCC, IPBES) and application to the present review

(4) critical assessment of knowledge, including the identification of controversies and knowledge gaps

(5) co-publication of critical results in international scientific journals


- Hold a PhD in ecological/environmental science

- Proficiency in statistical and programming tools using R or Python for data analysis

- Prior experience with systematic reviews would be welcome

- Interest in interdisciplinary approaches

- Knowledge of environmental impact assessment would be appreciated

- Prior publishing activity

- Excellent writing skills in English, French speaking is an asset


Nathalie NIQUIL's picture
Nathalie NIQUIL
UCN Caen
Research director
The French National Centre for Scientific Research
Published on 04 Apr 2023
Updated on 03 May 2023