Physiological Ecology of Diatoms Along the River-Sea Continuum. Diatom ecophysiology along the aquatic continuum from river to ocean BT - Island Press

TitlePhysiological Ecology of Diatoms Along the River-Sea Continuum. Diatom ecophysiology along the aquatic continuum from river to ocean BT - Island Press
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsClaquin, P, Leynaert, A, Sferatorre, A, Garnier, J, Ragueneau, O
PublisherThe Silicon Cycle. Human Perturbations and Impacts on Aquatic Systems. Edited by V. Ittekkot, D. Unger, C. Humborg and N. Tac An. Scope 66
ISBN Number1597261157, 9781597261159