2016 Summer Workshop, NTOU (Taiwan) – BOREA (France): « Development, reproduction and evolution in marine organisms », July 25-27, 2016

25 Jul 2016 to 27 Jul 2016

In the frame of a long term collaboration with the National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) and of the current program « Global Networking Talent, International Program » (coordinators : Prof Ching-Fong CHANG, President NTOU and Dr Sylvie DUFOUR, Director BOREA), a BOREA delegation has been invited to NTOU, Keelung, to participate to the summer workshop on «  Development, reproduction and evolution in marine organisms ».

Senior scientists and students (PhD and Master) from both countries have presented their work by conferences, oral communications and posters. Fruitful exchanges between all participants set up the basis for new collaborative projects.

French BOREA delegates : senior scientists : Sylvie DUFOUR, Pascal SOURDAINE, Pascal FAVREL, Laure BONNAUD-PONTICELLI, Guillaume RIVIERE ; PhD students: Julie SCHWARTZ, Clémentine RENNEVILLE, Mitchell FLEMING, Aurora CAMPO.