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Agogué, Hélène , Clarisse Mallet, Francis Orvain, Margot de Crignis, Françoise Mornet, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Bacterial Dynamics In A Microphytobenthic Biofilm: A Tidal Mesocosm Approach. Journal Of Sea Research 92: 144-157.
PDF icon Agogué et al. 2014.pdf (1 MB)
Mazière, C. , M. Bodo, M.A. Perdrau, C. Cravo-Laureau, Robert Duran, Christine Dupuy, and Cédric Hubas. 2022. Climate Change Influences Chlorophylls And Bacteriochlorophylls Metabolism In Hypersaline Microbial Mat. Science Of The Total Environment 802: 149787. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149787.
Liénart, Camilla , Eric Feunteun, M J Miller, J Aoyama, Jean-Michel Mortillaro, Cédric Hubas, M Kuroki, et al.. 2016. Geographic Variation In Stable Isotopic And Fatty Acid Composition Of Anguilliform Leptocephali And Particulate Organic Matter In The South Pacific. Marine Ecology And Progress Series 544: 225-241.
Ghinter, Leopold , Christine Dupuy, Michael J Miller, Alexandre Carpentier, Christel Lefrançois, Anthony Acou, Jun Aoyama, et al.. 2020. Microbial Functional Structure And Stable Isotopic Variation Of Leptocephali Across Three Current Zones In The Western South Pacific. Progress In Oceanography 182: 102264. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102264.
PDF icon Ghinter et al. 2020 Progress in ocenanography.pdf (3.12 MB)
Rakotomalala, C , Katell Guizien, Karine Grangeré, Sébastien Lefebvre, Christine Dupuy, and Francis Orvain. 2019. Modelling The Functioning Of A Coupled Microphytobenthic-Eps-Bacterial System In Intertidal Mudflats. Marine Environmental Research 150. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104754.
Orvain, Francis , Katell Guizien, Sébastien Lefebvre, Martine Bréret, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Relevance Of Macrozoobenthic Grazers To Understand The Dynamic Behaviour Of Sediment Erodibility And Microphytobenthos Resuspension In Sunny Summer Conditions. Journal Of Sea Research 92: 46-55.
PDF icon Orvain et al 2014b JSR.pdf (584.84 KB)
Pierre, Guillaume , Jean-Michel Zhao, Francis Orvain, Christine Dupuy, Géraldine Klein, Marianne Graber, and Thierry Maugard. 2014. Seasonal Dynamics Of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (Eps) In Surface Sediments Of A Diatom-Dominated Intertidal Mudflat (Marennes–Oléron, France). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 26-35.
PDF icon Pierre etal 2014 JSR.pdf (620.88 KB)
Dupuy, Christine , Clarisse Mallet, Katell Guizien, Hélène Montanié, Martine Bréret, Françoise Mornet, Camille Fontaine, Caroline Nérot, and Francis Orvain. 2014. Sequential Resuspension Of Biofilm Components (Viruses, Prokaryotes And Protists) As Measured By Erodimetry Experiments In The Brouage Mudflat (French Atlantic Coast). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 56-65.
PDF icon Dupuy et al 2014.pdf (645.92 KB)
Como, S. , Alexandre Carpentier, F. Rossi, Christine Dupuy, P. Richard, Eric Feunteun, and C. Lefrançois. 2018. Stable Isotopes As Tracers Can Reveal Resource Allocation In Juvenile Golden Gray Mullets (Liza Aurata, Risso, 1810). Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 503: 72 - 79. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2018.01.009.
PDF icon Como et al_2018.pdf (540.96 KB)
Mallet, Clarisse , Hélène Agogué, Frédérique Bonnemoy, Katell Guizien, Francis Orvain, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Structures Of Benthic Prokaryotic Communities And Their Hydrolytic Enzyme Activities Resuspended From Samples Of Intertidal Mudflats: An Experimental Approach. Journal Of Sea Research 92: 158-169.
PDF icon Mallet et al 2014 CSR.pdf (1.54 MB)
Orvain, Francis , Margot de Crignis, Katell Guizien, Sébastien Lefebvre, Clarisse Mallet, E Takahashi, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Tidal And Seasonal Effects On The Short-Term Temporal Patterns Of Bacteria, Microphytobenthos And Exopolymers In Natural Intertidal Biofilms (Brouage, France). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 6-18.
PDF icon Orvain et al 2014a JSR.pdf (868.22 KB)