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Couëdel, Marion , Agnès Dettai, Mireille MM Guillaume, Céline Bonillo, Baptiste Frattini, and Henrich J Bruggemann. 2024. Settlement Patterns And Temporal Successions Of Coral Reef Cryptic Communities Affect Diversity Assessments Using Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (Arms).. Sci Rep 14 (1): 27061. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-76834-8.
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Andouche, Aude , Stéphane Valera, and Sébastien Baratte. 2021. Exploration Of Chemosensory Ionotropic Receptors In Cephalopods: The Ir25 Gene Is Expressed In The Olfactory Organs, Suckers, And Fins Of Sepia Officinalis.. Chem Senses 46. doi:10.1093/chemse/bjab047.
Broquard, Coralie , Suwansa-Ard Saowaros, Mélanie Lepoittevin, Lionel Degremont, Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Benjamin Morga, Abigail Elizur, and Anne-Sophie Martinez. 2021. Gonadal Transcriptomes Associated With Sex Phenotypes Provide Potential Male And Female Candidate Genes Of Sex Determination Or Early Differentiation In Crassostrea Gigas, A Sequential Hermaphrodite Mollusc.. Bmc Genomics 22 (1): 609. doi:10.1186/s12864-021-07838-1.
Papetti, Chiara , Massimiliano Babbucci, Agnès Dettai, Andrea Basso, Magnus Lucassen, Lars Harms, Céline Bonillo, Franz Maximilian Heindler, Tomaso Patarnello, and Enrico Negrisolo. 2021. Not Frozen In The Ice: Large And Dynamic Rearrangements In The Mitochondrial Genomes Of The Antarctic Fish. Genome Biology And Evolution 13 (3). doi:10.1093/gbe/evab017.
Sanders, Malcolm T, Didier Merle, Michel Laurin, Céline Bonillo, and Nicolas Puillandre. 2021. Raising Names From The Dead: A Time-Calibrated Phylogeny Of Frog Shells (Bursidae, Tonnoidea, Gastropoda) Using Mitogenomic Data.. Mol Phylogenet Evol 156: 107040. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2020.107040.
Safi, Georges , Anne-Sophie Martinez, Charles Le Pabic, Estelle Le Bihan, Jean-Paul Robin, and Noussithé Koueta. 2018. Digestive Enzyme Ratios Are Good Indicators Of Hatchling Yolk Reserve And Digestive Gland Maturation In Early Life Stages Of Cuttlefish Sepia Officinalis L.: Application Of These New Tools In Ecology And Aquaculture. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, And Environmental Physiology 188: 57-76. doi:10.1007/s00360-017-1115-4.
Bouyoucef, Mouloud , Rodolphe Rakic, Tangni Gómez-Leduc, Thomas Latire, Frédéric Marin, Sylvain Leclercq, Franck Carreiras, et al.. 2018. Regulation Of Extracellular Matrix Synthesis By Shell Extracts From The Marine Bivalve Pecten Maximus In Human Articular Chondrocytes- Application For Cartilage Engineering.. Mar Biotechnol (Ny) 20 (4): 436-450. doi:10.1007/s10126-018-9807-7.
PDF icon Bouyoucef_et_al-2018-Marine_Biotechnology.pdf (1.53 MB)
Rivière, Guillaume , Christophe Klopp, Nabihoudine Ibouniyamine, Arnaud Huvet, Pierre Boudry, and Pascal Favrel. 2015. Gigaton: An Extensive Publicly Searchable Database Providing A New Reference Transcriptome In The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas.. Bmc Bioinformatics 16: 401. doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0833-4.
PDF icon GigaTON.pdf (3.09 MB)
Saint-Carlier, Emma , and Guillaume Rivière. 2015. Regulation Of Hox Orthologues In The Oyster Crassostrea Gigas Evidences A Functional Role For Promoter Dna Methylation In An Invertebrate.. Febs Lett 589 (13): 1459-66. doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2015.04.043.
PDF icon StCarlier_Riviere_FEBS2015.pdf (1.51 MB)
Minguez, Laetitia , E Farcy, Céline Ballandonne, Alban Lepailleur, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, Ronan Bureau, and Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille. 2014. Acute Toxicity Of 8 Antidepressants: What Are Their Modes Of Action?. Chemosphere 108: 314-9. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.01.057.
PDF icon Minguez et al 2014.pdf (798.01 KB)
Minguez, Laetitia , Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille, Katherine Costil, Ronan Bureau, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. Assessment Of Cytotoxic And Immunomodulatory Properties Of Four Antidepressants On Primary Cultures Of Abalone Hemocytes (Haliotis Tuberculata).. Aquat Toxicol 153: 3-11. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.10.020.
PDF icon Minguez et al 2014.pdf (1004.13 KB)
Szafranski, Kamil M, Sylvie M Gaudron, and Sébastien Duperron. 2014. Direct Evidence For Maternal Inheritance Of Bacterial Symbionts In Small Deep-Sea Clams (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae).. Naturwissenschaften 101 (5): 373-83. doi:10.1007/s00114-014-1165-3.
Henríquez, Marlene , Karen Vergara, Javiera Norambuena, Andrea Beiza, Felipe Maza, Pamela Ubilla, Ivanna Araya, et al.. 2014. Diversity Of Cultivable Fungi Associated With Antarctic Marine Sponges And Screening For Their Antimicrobial, Antitumoral And Antioxidant Potential.. World J Microbiol Biotechnol 30 (1): 65-76. doi:10.1007/s11274-013-1418-x.
Halm-Lemeille, Marie-Pierre , Elham Abbaszadeh Fard, T Latire, Jean-François Ferard, Katherine Costil, Jean-Marc Lebel, Ronan Bureau, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. The Effect Of Different Polychlorinated Biphenyls On Two Aquatic Models, The Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella Subcapitata And The Haemocytes From The European Abalone Haliotis Tuberculata.. Chemosphere 110: 120-8. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.02.023.
PDF icon Halm-Lemeille et al 2014 final.pdf (908.9 KB)
Mottier, A , Valérie Kientz-Bouchart, Christelle Dubreule, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Katherine Costil. 2014. Effects Of Acute Exposures To Mecoprop, Mecoprop-P And Their Biodegradation Product (2-Mcp) On The Larval Stages Of The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas.. Aquat Toxicol 146: 165-75. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.11.008.
PDF icon Mottier et al. 2014 Mecoprop.pdf (1.82 MB)
Dias, Murilo S, Thierry Oberdorff, Bernard Hugueny, Fabien Leprieur, Céline Jézéquel, Jean-François Cornu, Sébastien Brosse, Gael Grenouillet, and Pablo Tedesco. 2014. Global Imprint Of Historical Connectivity On Freshwater Fish Biodiversity.. Ecol Lett 17 (9): 1130-40. doi:10.1111/ele.12319.
Fellous, Alexandre , Pascal Favrel, Ximing Guo, and Guillaume Rivière. 2014. The Jumonji Gene Family In Crassostrea Gigas Suggests Evolutionary Conservation Of Jmj-C Histone Demethylases Orthologues In The Oyster Gametogenesis And Development.. Gene 538 (1): 164-75. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2013.12.016.
Pasquier, Jérémy , Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Karine Rousseau, Bruno Quérat, Philippe Chemineau, and Sylvie Dufour. 2014. Looking For The Bird Kiss: Evolutionary Scenario In Sauropsids.. Bmc Evol Biol 14 (1): 30. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-30.
PDF icon Pasquier_BMC_Evol2014.pdf (5.79 MB)
Hundt, Peter J, Samuel Iglesias, Andrew S Hoey, and Andrew M Simons. 2014. A Multilocus Molecular Phylogeny Of Combtooth Blennies (Percomorpha: Blennioidei: Blenniidae): Multiple Invasions Of Intertidal Habitats.. Mol Phylogenet Evol 70: 47-56. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.09.001.
Jeng, Shan-Ru , Wen-Shiun Yueh, Yi-Ting Pen, Yan-Horn Lee, Guan-Ru Chen, Sylvie Dufour, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2014. Neuroendocrine Gene Expression Reveals A Decrease In Dopamine D2B Receptor With No Changes In Gnrh System During Prepubertal Metamorphosis Of Silvering In Wild Japanese Eel.. Gen Comp Endocrinol 206: 8-15. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.08.001.
PDF icon Jeng_GCE_2014.pdf (2.21 MB)
Taillebois, Laura , Magalie Castelin, Clara Lord, Ryan Chabarria, Agnès Dettai, and Philippe Keith. 2014. New Sicydiinae Phylogeny (Teleostei: Gobioidei) Inferred From Mitochondrial And Nuclear Genes: Insights On Systematics And Ancestral Areas.. Mol Phylogenet Evol 70: 260-71. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.09.026.
PDF icon Taillebois et al, 2014 - New Sicydiinae phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear genes Insights on systematics and ancestral areas.pdf (4.77 MB)
Ramos-Silva, Paula , Jaap Kaandorp, Frédéric Herbst, Laurent Plasseraud, G Alcaraz, Christine Stern, Marion Corneillat, et al.. 2014. The Skeleton Of The Staghorn Coral Acropora Millepora: Molecular And Structural Characterization.. Plos One 9 (6): e97454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097454.
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