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Machon, Julia , Jakob Krieger, Rebecca Meth, Magali Zbinden, Juliette Ravaux, Nicolas Montagné, Thomas Chertemps, and Steffen Harzsch. 2019. Neuroanatomy Of A Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp Provides Insights Into The Evolution Of Crustacean Integrative Brain Centers. Elife 8. doi:10.7554/eLife.47550.001.
PDF icon Machon et al. 2019 eLife.pdf (5.26 MB)
Zbinden, Magali , Alison Gallet, Kamil M Szafranski, Julia Machon, Juliette Ravaux, Nelly Léger, and Sébastien Duperron. 2018. Blow Your Nose, Shrimp! Unexpectedly Dense Bacterial Communities Occur On The Antennae And Antennules Of Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp. Frontiers In Marine Science 5. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.00357.
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Machon, Julia , Philippe Lucas, Juliette Ravaux, and Magali Zbinden. 2018. Comparison Of Chemoreceptive Abilities Of The Hydrothermal Shrimp Mirocaris Fortunata And The Coastal Shrimp Palaemon Elegans. Chemical Senses 43: 489-501. doi:10.1093/chemse/bjy041.
PDF icon Machon et al. Chem Senses 2018.pdf (7.39 MB)
Apremont, Vincent , Marie-Anne Cambon-Bonavita, Valérie Cueff-Gauchard, David François, Florence Pradillon, Laure Corbari, and Magali Zbinden. 2018. Gill Chamber And Gut Microbial Communities Of The Hydrothermal Shrimp Rimicaris Chacei Williams And Rona 1986: A Possible Symbiosis. Plos One 13 (11): e0206084. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206084.
PDF icon Apremont et al. 2018.pdf (3.31 MB)
Zbinden, Magali , C Berthod, N Montagné, J Machon, N Léger, T Chertemps, Nicolas Rabet, Bruce Shillito, and Juliette Ravaux. 2017. Comparative Study Of Chemosensory Organs Of Shrimp From Hydrothermal Vent And Coastal Environments. Chemical Senses doi:10.1093/chemse/bjx007: 1-13.
PDF icon Zbinden et al. Chem senses 2017.pdf (1.54 MB)
Hauton, Chris , Alastair Brown, Sven Thatje, Nélia C Mestre, Maria J Bebianno, Inês Martins, Raul Bettencourt, et al.. 2017. Identifying Toxic Impacts Of Metals Potentially Released During Deep-Sea Mining—A Synthesis Of The Challenges To Quantifying Risk. Frontiers In Marine Science 4: 368. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00368.
PDF icon Hauton et al. 2017.pdf (1.5 MB)
Auguste, M , N Mestre, T Rocha, C Cardoso, V Cueff-Gauchard, S Le Bloa, M-A Cambon-Bonavita, et al. 2016. Development Of An Ecotoxicological Protocol For The Deep-Sea Fauna Using The Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp Rimicaris Exoculata. Aquatic Biology 175: 277-285. doi:
PDF icon Auguste et al 2016.pdf (933.17 KB)
Machon, Julia , Juliette Ravaux, Magali Zbinden, and Philippe Lucas. 2016. New Electroantennography Method On A Marine Shrimp In Water. Journal Of Experimental Biology 219: 3696–3700. doi:10.1242/jeb.140947.
PDF icon Machon J Exp Biol 2016.pdf (511.07 KB)
Ravaux, Juliette , Nelly Léger, Nicolas Rabet, Claire Fourgous, Guillaume Voland, Magali Zbinden, and Bruce Shillito. 2016. Plasticity And Acquisition Of The Thermal Tolerance (Upper Thermal Limit And Heat Shock Response) In The Intertidal Species Palaemon Elegans. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 484: 39 - 45. doi:
PDF icon Ravaux et al 2016.pdf (868.08 KB)
Marjolaine, Matabos , Cuvelier Daphné, Brouard Johan, Bruce Shillito, Juliette Ravaux, Magali Zbinden, Barthelemy Dominique, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, and Jozee Sarrazin. 2015. Behavioural Study Of Two Hydrothermal Crustacean Decapods: Mirocaris Fortunata And Segonzacia Mesatlantica, From The Lucky Strike Vent Field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies In Oceanography 121: 146 - 158. doi:
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Durand, Lucile , Marie Roumagnac, Valérie Cueff-Gauchard, Cyrielle Jan, Mathieu Guri, Claire Tessier, Marine Haond, et al.. 2015. Biogeographical Distribution Of Rimicaris Exoculata Resident Gut Epibiont Communities Along The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hydrothermal Vent Sites.. Fems Microbiol Ecol 91 (10). doi:10.1093/femsec/fiv101.
Zbinden, Magali , Lise Marqué, Sylvie M Gaudron, Juliette Ravaux, Nelly Léger, and Sébastien Duperron. 2015. Epsilonproteobacteria As Gill Epibionts Of The Hydrothermal Vent Gastropod Cyathermia Naticoides (North East-Pacific Rise). Marine Biology 162 (2): 435-448.
Gaudron, Sylvie M, Lise Marqué, Eric Thiébaut, Pascal Riera, Sébastien Duperron, and Magali Zbinden. 2015. How Are Microbial And Detrital Sources Partitioned Among And Within Gastropods Species At East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Vents?. Marine Ecology 36: 18-34. doi:10.1111/maec.12260.
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Aznar-Cormano, L , J Brisset, T-Y Chan, Laure Corbari, N Puillandre, J Utge, Magali Zbinden, D Zuccon, and S Samadi. 2015. An Improved Taxonomic Sampling Is A Necessary But Not Sufficient Condition For Resolving Inter-Families Relationships In Caridean Decapods.. Genetica 143 (2): 195-205. doi:10.1007/s10709-014-9807-0.
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Shillito, Bruce , Juliette Ravaux, Jozee Sarrazin, Magali Zbinden, Pierre-Marie Sarradin, and Barthelemy Dominique. 2015. Long-Term Maintenance And Public Exhibition Of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Fauna: The Abyssbox Project. Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies In Oceanography 121: 137 - 145. doi:
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