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Mortillaro, Jean-Michel , Marc Pouilly, M Wach, Carlos EC Freitas, Gwenaël Abril, and Tarik Meziane. 2015. Trophic Opportunism Of Central Amazon Floodplain Fish. Freshwater Biology 60: 1659–1670.
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Nicastro, Katy R, G.A. Pearson, X. Ramos, Vasco Pearson, Christopher Mc Quaid, and Gerardo I Zardi. 2023. Transcriptome Wide Analyses Reveal Intraspecific Diversity In Thermal Stress Responses Of A Dominant Habitat‐Forming Species. Scientific Reports 13 (5645). doi:
Nisembaum, Laura Gabriela, Guillaume Loentgen, Thibault L'Honoré, Patrick Martin, Charles-Hubert Paulin, Michael Fuentès, Karine Escoubeyrou, Maria Jesus Delgado, Laurence Besseau, and Jack Falcón. 2022. Transient Receptor Potential-Vanilloid (Trpv1-Trpv4) Channels In The Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar. A Focus On The Pineal Gland And Melatonin Production. Frontiers In Physiology 22 (784416): 15. doi:10.3389/fphys.2021.784416.
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Orvain, Francis , Margot de Crignis, Katell Guizien, Sébastien Lefebvre, Clarisse Mallet, E Takahashi, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Tidal And Seasonal Effects On The Short-Term Temporal Patterns Of Bacteria, Microphytobenthos And Exopolymers In Natural Intertidal Biofilms (Brouage, France). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 6-18.
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Perez, Véronique , Frédéric Olivier, Rejean Tremblay, Urs Neumeier, Julien Thebault, Laurent Chauvaud, and Tarik Meziane. 2013. Trophic Resources Of The Bivalve, Venus Verrucosa , In The Chausey Archipelago (Normandy, France) Determined By Stable Isotopes And Fatty Acids. Aquatic Living Resources 26 (3): 229 - 239. doi:10.1051/alr/2013058.
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Réalis-Doyelle, Emilie , Julie Schwartz, Cédric Cabau, Lorane Le Franc, Benoît Bernay, Guillaume Riviere, Christophe Klopp, and Pascal Favrel. 2021. Transcriptome Profiling Of The Pacific Oyster Visceral Ganglia Over A Reproduction Cycle Identifies Novel Regulatory Peptides.. Mar Drugs 19 (8). doi:10.3390/md19080452.
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Réalis-Doyelle, Emilie , Julie Schwartz, Cédric Cabau, Lorane Le Franc, Benoît Bernay, Guillaume Rivière, Christophe Klopp, and Pascal Favrel. 2021. Transcriptome Profiling Of The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas Visceral Ganglia Over A Reproduction Cycle Identifies Novel Regulatory Peptides. Marine Drugs 19 (8): 452. doi:10.3390/md19080452.
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