Immunohistochimie de la TH dans les yeux et lobes optiques de l'embryon de seiche
2015 to 2016
Program type
Scientific cooperation
South America

People involved

Neurogenesis dynamics in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis


DYNA project has been obtained through the international collaboration between FAPERJ (Brazil) and Sorbonne Universités (ComUE SU-Idex SUPER-France).

The neurogenesis process during development and growth gives organisms the capacity to increase their abilities and/or to renew old cells. Well described in vertebrates, this process remains to be explored in non-vertebrates animals. Here we have chosen to study dynamics of neurogenesis in a cephalopod, Sepia officinalis, because of their continuous growth throughout adult life, their highly centralized and hierarchical brain allowing rich behavioral repertoires comparable to those of several mammals. Based on previous studies of Brazilian partner on Octopus neurogenesis and on the expertise of French partner on neurogenesis in the cuttlefish embryo, we investigate the dynamics of neurogenesis and gliogenesis during development as well as adult growth: in embryos (before hatching), in developing juveniles, and in adults to test the hypothesis of a relationship between the dynamics of brain neurogenesis and the cognitive abilities acquisition at different steps of the biological cycle. 


Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli and Boudjema Imarazene (UMR BOREA-MNHN, France)

Suzana Herculano-Houzel and Sandra Dos santos (Univ Federal Rio de Janeiro, Brésil)

(Photo: Boudjema Imarazene)