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Römer, Uwe , CI Römer, G Estivals, Vela A. Diaz, Fabrice Duponchelle, Garcia C Davila, I Hahn, and Jean-Francois Renno. 2017. Description Of A New Maternal Larvophilic Mouth-Brooding Cichlid Species, Apistogramma Megastoma Sp. N. (Teleostei: Perciformes: Geophaginae), From Loreto, Peru. Vertebrate Zoology 67 (2).
De Cesare, S , Tarik Meziane, Laurent Chauvaud, J Richard, M K Sejr, J Thébault, G Winkler, and Frédéric Olivier. 2017. Dietary Plasticity In The Bivalve Astarte Moerchi Revealed By A Multimarker Study In Two Arctic Fjords. Marine Ecology Progress Series 567: 157-172.
Nowara, G.B. , P. Burch, Nicolas Gasco, D.C. Welsford, T.D. Lamb, Charlotte Chazeau, Guy Duhamel, Patrice Pruvost, S. Wotherspoon, and S.G. Candy. 2017. Distribution And Abundance Of Skates (Bathyraja Spp.) On The Kerguelen Plateau Through The Lens Of The Toothfish Fisheries. Fisheries Research 186: 65–81. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.07.022.
Maggia, M. E, Y. Vigouroux, Jean-Francois Renno, Fabrice Duponchelle, E Desmarais, Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, C García-Dávila, et al.. 2017. Dna Metabarcoding Of Amazonian Ichthyoplankton Swarms. Plosone Jan 17;12 (1): :e0170009.
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Rivière, Guillaume , Yan He, Samuele Tecchio, Elizabeth Crowell, Michaël Gras, Pascal Sourdaine, Ximing Guo, and Pascal Favrel. 2017. Dynamics Of Dna Methylomes Underlie Oyster Development. Plos Genetics 13 (6): e1006807. https:// 71/journal.p gen.1006807.
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Liénart, Camilla , Nicolas Savoye, Yann Bozec, Elsa Breton, Pascal Conan, Valérie David, Eric Feunteun, et al.. 2017. Dynamics Of Particulate Organic Matter Composition In Coastal Systems: A Spatio-Temporal Study At Multi-Systems Scale. Progress In Oceanography 156: 221-239. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2017.03.001.
Brito, Paulo M, J Alvarado-Ortega, and Francois J Meunier. 2017. Earliest Known Lepisosteoid Extends The Range Of Anatomically Modern Gars To The Late Jurassic. Scientific Reports 7: 17830.
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Morini, Marina , David S Penaranda, M C Vílchez, Helge Tveiten, Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Sylvie Dufour, L Pérez, and J F Asturiano. 2017. The Expression Of Nuclear And Membrane Estradiol Receptors In The European Eel Throughout Spermatogenesis.. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, Part A 203: 91-99.
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Imarazen, Boudjema , Aude Andouche, Yann Bassaglia, Pascal Jean Lopez, and Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli. 2017. Eye Development In Sepia Officinalis Embryo: What The Uncommon Gene Expression Profiles Tell Us About Eye Evolution. Front. Physiol.. doi:10.3389/fphys.2017.00613.
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Le Pabic, Charles , Arul Marie, Benjamin Marie, Aline Percot, Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli, Pascal Jean Lopez, and Gilles Luquet. 2017. First Proteomic Analyses Of The Dorsal And Ventral Parts Of The Sepia Officinalis Cuttlebone.. J Proteomics 150: 63-73. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2016.08.015.
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Gaillard, B , Tarik Meziane, Réjean Tremblay, P Archambault, M E Blicher, Laurent Chauvaud, S Rysgaard, and Frédéric Olivier. 2017. Food Resources Of The Bivalve Astarte Elliptica In A Sub-Arctic Fjord: A Multi-Biomarker Approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series 567: 139-156.
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Castelin, Magalie , Valentin de Mazancourt, Gérard Marquet, Gabrielle Zimmermann, and Philippe Keith. 2017. Genetic And Morphological Evidence For Cryptic Species In Macrobrachium Australe And Resurrection Of M. Ustulatum (Crustacea, Palaemonidae). European Journal Of Taxonomy 289: 1–27.
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Hubert, Nicolas , Agnès Dettai, Patrice Pruvost, Corinne Cruaud, Michel Kulbicki, Robert F Myers, and Philippe Borsa. 2017. Geography And Life History Traits Account For The Accumulation Of Cryptic Diversity Among Indo-West Pacific Coral Reef Fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 583: 179–193.
Bellard, Céline , Jean-François Rysman, Boris Leroy, C Claud, and Georgina M Mace. 2017. A Global Picture Of Biological Invasion Threat On Islands.. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (12): 1862-1869. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0365-6.
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Chambault, Philippine , Fabien Roquet, Simon Benhamou, Alberto Baudena, Etienne Pauthenet, Benoît de Thoisy, Marc Bonola, et al.. 2017. The Gulf Stream Frontal System: A Key Oceanographic Feature In The Habitat Selection Of The Leatherback Turtle?. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 123: 35 - 47. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2017.03.003.
Chambault, Philippine , Lucie Giraudou, Benoît de Thoisy, Marc Bonola, Laurent Kelle, Virginie Dos Reis, Fabian Blanchard, Yvon Le Maho, and Damien Chevallier. 2017. Habitat Use And Diving Behaviour Of Gravid Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Under Riverine Conditions In French Guiana. Journal Of Marine Systems 165: 115 - 123. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.10.005.
Cupello, C , Francois J Meunier, Marc Herbin, Philippe Janvier, Gaël Clément, and Paulo M Brito. 2017. The Homology And Function Of The Lung Plates In Extant And Fossil Coelacanths. Scientific Reports 7: 9244.
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Hauton, Chris , Alastair Brown, Sven Thatje, Nélia C Mestre, Maria J Bebianno, Inês Martins, Raul Bettencourt, et al.. 2017. Identifying Toxic Impacts Of Metals Potentially Released During Deep-Sea Mining—A Synthesis Of The Challenges To Quantifying Risk. Frontiers In Marine Science 4: 368. doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00368.
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Erler, Dirk V, David T Welsh, William W Bennet, Tarik Meziane, Cédric Hubas, Daniele Nizzoli, and Angus JP Ferguson. 2017. The Impact Of Suspended Oyster Farming On Nitrogen Cycling And Nitrous Oxide Production In A Sub-Tropical Australian Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 192: 117 - 127. doi:
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Lema, Kimberley A, Marie Latimier, Elisabeth Nézan, Juliette Fauchot, and Mickael Le Gac. 2017. Inter And Intra-Specific Growth And Domoic Acid Production In Relation To Nutrient Ratios And Concentrations In Pseudo-Nitzschia: Phosphate An Important Factor. Harmful Algae 64: 11-19. doi:
Le Mao, Patrick , Nicolas Desroy, Jérôme Fournier, Laurent Godet, and Eric Thiébaut. 2017. Le Cas Des Récifs D’hermelles Nuisible Ou Patrimonial : L’évolution Des Perceptions En Milieu Marin. Le Courrier De La Nature 306: 46-49.
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Canard, Alain , Lionel Prigent, Frédéric Ysnel, Thierry Robin, Alexandre Carpentier, Jean-Claude Lefeuvre, and Frédéric Bioret. 2017. Le Mont-Saint-Michel Et Sa Baie Peuvent-Ils Se Réconcilier ?. Actes Du Colloque De Bailleul 2017 « Valeurs Et Usages Des Zones Humides ».
Treasure, Anne , Fabien Roquet, Isabelle Ansorge, Marthán Bester, Lars Boehme, Horst Bornemann, Jean-Benoît Charrassin, et al.. 2017. Marine Mammals Exploring The Oceans Pole To Pole: A Review Of The Meop Consortium. Oceanography 30 (2): 132 - 138. doi:10.5670/oceanog10.5670/oceanog.2017.234.
Guédron, S. , D. Point, D. Acha, S. Bouchet, P.A. Baya, E. Tessier, M. Monperrus, et al.. 2017. Mercury Contamination Level And Speciation Inventory In Lakes Titicaca And Uru-Uru (Bolivia): Current Status And Future Trends. Environmental Pollution 231, Part 1: 262 - 270. doi:
Jordao, Juliana Costa, Ana Cristina V Bondioli, Lurdes Foresti de Almeida-Toledo, Karin Bilo, Rachel Berzins, Yvon Le Maho, Damien Chevallier, and Benoît de Thoisy. 2017. Mixed-Stock Analysis In Green Turtles Chelonia Mydas: Mtdna Decipher Current Connections Among West Atlantic Populations. Mitochondrial Dna Part A 28 (2): 197 - 207. doi:10.3109/19401736.2015.1115843.
Dubos, Marie-Pierre , Benoît Bernay, and Pascal Favrel. 2017. Molecular Characterization Of An Adipokinetic Hormone-Related Neuropeptide (Akh) From A Mollusk. General And Comparative Endocrinology 243: 15-21.
Anthony, E.J. , P. Dussouillez, Franck Dolique, M. Besset, G. Brunier, V.L. Nguyen, and M. Goichot. 2017. Morphodynamics Of An Eroding Beach And Foredune In The Mekong River Delta: Implications For Deltaic Shoreline Change. Continental Shelf Research 147: 155 - 164. doi:
Gąsiorowski, Ludwik , Nicolas Bekkouche, and Katrine Worsaae. 2017. Morphology And Evolution Of The Nervous System In Gnathostomulida (Gnathifera, Spiralia). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 17 (2): 447 - 475. doi:10.1007/s13127-017-0324-8.
Mahfouz, C , Tarik Meziane, F Henry, C Abi-Ghanem, J Spitz, T Jauniaux, T Bouveroux, and G Khalef. 2017. Multi-Approach Analysis To Assess Diet Of Harbour Porpoises Phocoena Phocoena In The Southern North Sea. Marine Ecology And Progress Series 563: 249-259.
Hubas, Cédric , Dominique Boeuf, Bruno Jesus, Najet Thiney, Yann Bozec, and Christian Jeanthon. 2017. A Nanoscale Study Of Carbon And Nitrogen Fluxes In Mats Of Purple Sulfur Bacteria: Implications For Carbon Cycling At The Surface Of Coastal Sediments. Frontiers In Microbiology 8: 1995. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01995.
Riaux-Gobin, Catherine , Andrzej Witkowski, Patrick J. Kociolek, Luc Ector, Damien Chevallier, and Pierre Compère. 2017. New Epizoic Diatom (Bacillariophyta) Species From Sea Turtles In The Eastern Caribbean And South Pacific. Diatom Research 32 (1): 109 - 125. doi:10.1080/0269249X.2017.1299042.
Gąsiorowski, Ludwik , Nicolas Bekkouche, Martin V Sørensen, Reinhardt M Kristensen, Wolfgang Sterrer, and Katrine Worsaae. 2017. New Insights On The Musculature Of Filospermoid Gnathostomulida. Zoomorphology 136 (4): 413 - 424. doi:10.1007/s00435-017-0367-6.
Morini, Marina , David S Penaranda, M C Vílchez, R Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Sylvie Dufour, J F Asturiano, Finn-Arne Weltzien, and Luz Perez. 2017. Nuclear And Membrane Progestin Receptors In The European Eel: Characterization And Expression In Vivo Through Spermatogenesis. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, Part A 207: 79-92.
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Barbier, Pierrick , Tarik Meziane, M Forêt, Réjean Tremblay, R Robert, and Frédéric Olivier. 2017. Nursery Function Of Coastal Temperate Benthic Habitats: New Insight From The Bivalve Recruitment Perspective. Journal Of Sea Research 121: 11-23.
Thorel, Maxine , Pascal Claquin, Mathilde Schapira, Romain Le Gendre, Philippe Riou, Didier Goux, Bertrand Le Roy, et al. 2017. Nutrient Ratios Influence Variability In Pseudo-Nitzschia Species Diversity And Particulate Domoic Acid Production In The Bay Of Seine (France). Harmful Algae 68: 192 - 205. doi:
Dromard, Charlotte R, Yolande Bouchon, Mireille Harmelin-Vivien, and Claude Bouchon. 2017. The Nutritional Quality Of Non-Calcified Macroalgae In Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) Evaluated By Their Biochemical Composition. Gulf And Caribbean Research 28: 1-6.
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Navet, Sandra , Auxane Buresi, Sébastien Baratte, Aude Andouche, Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli, and Yann Bassaglia. 2017. The Pax Gene Family: Highlights From Cephalopods. Plos One 12 (3): e0172719. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.017271910.1371.
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Colchen, Tatiana , E. Faux, F. Teletchea, and A. Pasquet. 2017. Is Personality Of Young Fish Consistent Through Different Behavioural Tests?. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 194: 127 - 134. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2017.05.012.
Nunes, Flavia , Alain Van Wormhoudt, Larisse Faroni Perez, and Jérôme Fournier. 2017. Phylogeography Of The Reef-Building Polychaetes Of The Genus Phragmatopoma In The Western Atlantic Region. Journal Of Biogeography 44 (7): 1612-1625. doi:10.1111/jbi.12938.
Bussard, Adrien , Erwan Corre, Cédric Hubas, Evelyne Duvernois‐Berthet, Gildas Le Corguille, Laurent Jourdren, Fanny Coulpier, Pascal Claquin, and Pascal Jean Lopez. 2017. Physiological Adjustments And Transcriptome Reprogramming Are Involved In The Acclimation To Salinity Gradients In Diatoms. Environmental Microbiology 19 (3): 909-925. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13398.
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2017. The “Pinocchio-Shrimp Effect”: First Evidence Of Variation In Rostrum Length With The Environment In Caridina H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae). Journal Of Crustacean Biology 37 (3): 243-248.
Molina, Carlos I, Xavier Lazzaro, S Guédron, and Darío Achá. 2017. Pollution At Cohana Bay, Lake Titicaca (Bolivia): Challenges And Opportunities To Promote Its Recovery. Ecología En Bolivia 52 (2): 65-76.
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Gillard, Morgane , Gabrielle Thiébaut, Carole Deleu, and Boris Leroy. 2017. Present And Future Distribution Of Three Aquatic Plants Taxa Across The World: Decrease In Native And Increase In Invasive Ranges. Biological Invasions 19 (7): 2159-2170. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1428-y.
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Lafontaine, Anne , Dominique Baiwir, Célia Joaquim-Justo, Edwin de Pauw, Soazig Lemoine, Céline Boulangé-Lecomte, Joëlle Forget-Leray, Jean-Pierre Thomé, and Eric Gismondi. 2017. Proteomic Response Of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii Hepatopancreas Exposed To Chlordecone: Identification Of Endocrine Disruption Biomarkers?. Ecotoxicology And Environmental Safety 141: 306-314.
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Jansen, J. , M. Liem, S. Jong-Raadsen, Sylvie Dufour, Finn-Arne Weltzien, W. Swinkels, A. Koelewijn, et al. 2017. Rapid De Novo Assembly Of The European Eel Genome From Nanopore Sequencing Reads. Scientific Reports 7: 7213.
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