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Zatylny-Gaudin, Céline , and Pascal Favrel. 2014. Diversity Of The Rfamide Peptide Family In Mollusks. Frontiers In Endocrinology 5.
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Napoléon, C , Liliane Fiant, V Raimbault, P Riou, and Pascal Claquin. 2014. Diversity Structure Of Phytoplankton Communities And Primary Productivity In A Temperate Epicontinental Sea . Marine Ecology Progress Series 505: 49-64.
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Cornet, Valérie , Joël Henry, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Bruno Zanuttini, and Céline Zatylny-Gaudin. 2014. Dual Role Of The Cuttlefish Salivary Proteome In Defense And Predation.. J Proteomics 108: 209-22. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2014.05.019.
Poirier, Isabelle , Lauriane Kuhn, Christelle Caplat, Philippe Hammann, and Martine Bertrand. 2014. The Effect Of Cold Stress On The Proteome Of The Marine Bacteriumpseudomonas Fluorescens Ba3Sm1 And Its Ability To Copewith Metal Excess. Aquatic Toxicology 157: 120-133.
Boglino, A , Maria Darias, A Estévez, K B Andree, Carmen Sarasquete, Juan Bosco Ortiz-Delgado, M Solé, and E Gisbert. 2014. The Effect Of Dietary Oxidized Lipid Levels On Growth Performance, Antioxidant Enzyme Activities, Intestinal Lipid Deposition And Skeletogenesis In Senegalese Sole (Solea Senegalensis) Larvae. Aquaculture Nutrition 20: 692–711. doi:10.1111/anu.12123.
Halm-Lemeille, Marie-Pierre , Elham Abbaszadeh Fard, T Latire, Jean-François Ferard, Katherine Costil, Jean-Marc Lebel, Ronan Bureau, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. The Effect Of Different Polychlorinated Biphenyls On Two Aquatic Models, The Green Alga Pseudokirchneriella Subcapitata And The Haemocytes From The European Abalone Haliotis Tuberculata.. Chemosphere 110: 120-8. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.02.023.
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Mottier, A , Valérie Kientz-Bouchart, Christelle Dubreule, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Katherine Costil. 2014. Effects Of Acute Exposures To Mecoprop, Mecoprop-P And Their Biodegradation Product (2-Mcp) On The Larval Stages Of The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas.. Aquat Toxicol 146: 165-75. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.11.008.
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Mercado, J. M, C Sobrino, P.J. Neale, M. Segovia, A. Reul, A.L. Amorim, P Carrillo, et al. 2014. Effects Of Co2, Nutrients And Light On Coastal Plankton: Ii. Metabolic Rates. Aquatic Biology. Aquatic Biology 22: 43-57.
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Boglino, A , Maria Darias, K B Andree, A Estévez, and E Gisbert. 2014. The Effects Of Dietary Arachidonic Acid On Bone In Flatfish Larvae: The Last But Not The Least Of The Essential Fatty Acids. Journal Of Applied Ichthyology 30: 643–651. doi:10.1111/jai.12511.
Boglino, A , A Wishkerman, Maria Darias, P de la Iglesia, A Estévez, K B Andree, and E Gisbert. 2014. The Effects Of Dietary Arachidonic Acid On Senegalese Sole Morphogenesis: A Synthesis Of Recent Findings. Aquaculture 432: 443 - 452. doi:
Rabet, Nicolas , D Montero, and Sebastien Lacau. 2014. The Effects Of Pool Sediments On The Egg Morphology Of Neotropical Eulimnadia (Branchiopoda: Limnadiidae). Journal Of Limnology 737 (1): 17-26.
Rabet, Nicolas , D Montero, and Sebastien Lacau. 2014. The Effects Of Pool Sediments On The Egg Morphology Of Neotropical Eulimnadia (Branchiopoda: Limnadiidae). Journal Of Limnology 737 (1): 17-26.
Buresi, Auxane , Roger P Croll, Stefano Tiozzo, Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli, and Sébastien Baratte. 2014. Emergence Of Sensory Structures In The Developing Epidermis In Sepia Officinalis And Other Coleoid Cephalopods.. J Comp Neurol 522 (13): 3004-19. doi:10.1002/cne.23562.
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Tedesco, Pablo , Rémy Bigorne, Arthur Bogan, Xingli Giam, Céline Jézéquel, and Bernard Hugueny. 2014. Estimating How Many Undescribed Species Have Gone Extinct.. Conserv Biol 28 (5): 1360-70. doi:10.1111/cobi.12285.
Gisbert, E , Ignacio Fernández, N Villamizar, Maria Darias, J Zambonino-Infante, and A Estévez. 2014. European Sea Bass Larval Culture.. In Biology Of European Seabass., 162-206. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Bussard, Adrien , and Pascal Jean Lopez. 2014. Evolution Of Vacuolar Pyrophosphatases And Vacuolar H+-Atpases In Diatoms. Journal Of Marine Science And Technology 22: 50-59. doi:10.6119/JMST-013-0829-1.
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Carvajal-Vallejos, F M, Rémy Bigorne, América JZeballo Fernandez, Jaime Sarmiento, Barrera Soraya, T Yunoki, Marc Pouilly, et al.. 2014. Fish-Amazbol: A Database On Freshwater Fishes Of The Bolivian Amazon. Hyrobiologia 732 (1): pp. 19-27. doi:10.1007/s10750-014-1841-5.
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Leroy, Boris , Céline Bellard, Nicolas Dubos, Arthur Colliot, Manon Vasseur, Cyril Courtial, Michel Bakkenes, A Canard, and Frédéric Ysnel. 2014. Forecasted Climate And Land Use Changes, And Protected Areas: The Contrasting Case Of Spiders. Diversity And Distributions 20 (6): 686-697. doi:10.1111/ddi.12191.
Bigot, Laetitia , Isabel Beets, Marie-Pierre Dubos, Pierre Boudry, Liliane Schoofs, and Pascal Favrel. 2014. Functional Characterization Of A Short Neuropeptide F-Related Receptor In A Lophotrochozoan, The Mollusk Crassostrea Gigas.. J Exp Biol 217 (Pt 16): 2974-82. doi:10.1242/jeb.104067.
Fournier, Jérôme , Régis K Gallon, and Raphael Paris. 2014. G2Sd: A New R Package For The Statistical Analysis Of Unconsolidated Sediments. Géomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement (1): 73-78.
Carvajal-Vallejos, F M, Fabrice Duponchelle, E Desmarais, F Cerqueira, Sophie Quérouil, Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, C García, and J-F Renno. 2014. Genetic Structure In The Amazonian Catfish Brachyplatystoma Rousseauxii: Influence Of Life History Strategies.. Genetica 142 (4): 323-36. doi:10.1007/s10709-014-9777-2.
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Pouilly, Marc , David Point, Francis Sondag, Manuel Henry, and Roberto V Santos. 2014. Geographical Origin Of Amazonian Freshwater Fishes Fingerprinted By ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr Ratios On Fish Otoliths And Scales.. Environ Sci Technol 48 (16): 8980-7. doi:10.1021/es500071w.
Dias, Murilo S, Thierry Oberdorff, Bernard Hugueny, Fabien Leprieur, Céline Jézéquel, Jean-François Cornu, Sébastien Brosse, Gael Grenouillet, and Pablo Tedesco. 2014. Global Imprint Of Historical Connectivity On Freshwater Fish Biodiversity.. Ecol Lett 17 (9): 1130-40. doi:10.1111/ele.12319.
Datry, Thibault , Roland Corti, Barbara Belletti, and Hervé Piégay. 2014. Ground-Dwelling Arthropod Community Across Braided Landscape Mosaics: A Mediterraen Perspective. Freshwater Biology 59: 1308-1322. doi:10.1111/fwb.12350.
Le Pabic, C , Didier Goux, Maryline Guillamin, Georges Safi, Jean-Marc Lebel, Siméoni Koueta-Noussithé, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. Hemocyte Morphology And Phagocytic Activity In The Common Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis).. Fish Shellfish Immunol 40 (2): 362-73. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2014.07.020.
Gisbert, E , C Moreira, D Castro-Ruiz, S Oztürk, C Fernández, S Gilles, Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, et al.. 2014. Histological Development Of The Digestive System Of The Amazonian Pimelodid Catfish Pseudoplatystoma Punctifer.. Animal 8 (11): 1765-76. doi:10.1017/S1751731114001797.
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Toussaint, A. , O. Beauchard, Thierry Oberdorff, S. Brosse, and S. Villéger. 2014. Historical Assemblage Distinctiveness And The Introduction Of Widespread Non-Native Species Explain Worldwide Change In Freshwater Fish Taxonomic Dissimilarity. Global Ecology And Biogeography 23 (5): 574-584. doi:DOI: 10.1111/geb.12141.
Toussaint, A. , O. Beauchard, Thierry Oberdorff, and S. Brosse. 2014. Historical Assemblage Distinctiveness And The Introduction Of Widespread Non-Native Species Explain Worldwide Change In Freshwater Fish Taxonomic Dissimilarity. Global Ecology And Biogeography 23 (5): 574-584. doi:DOI: 10.1111/geb.12141.
Saint-Béat, B , Christine Dupuy, Helene Agogue, Alexandre Carpentier, J Chalumeau, Serena Como, Valérie David, et al.. 2014. How Does The Resuspension Of The Biofilm Alter The Functioning Of The Benthos–Pelagos Coupled Food Web Of A Bare Mudflat In Marennes-Oléron Bay (Ne Atlantic)?. Journal Of Sea Research 92: 144–157.
Letullier, Amandine , Laetitia Minguez, Katherine Costil, Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. In Vitro Effect Of Five Pharmaceuticals On The Viability Of The European Abalone Hemocytes, Haliotis Tuberculata. J Xenobiotics 4 (2): 78-80. doi:10.4081/xeno.2014.4900.
Gilles, S , R Ismiño, H Sánchez, Frank David, Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, R Dugué, Maria Darias, and U Römer. 2014. An Integrated Closed System For Fish-Plankton Aquaculture In Amazonian Fresh Water.. Animal 8 (8): 1319-28. doi:10.1017/S1751731114001165.
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Leadley, P. , V. Proença, Juan F Fernández-Manjarrés, H.M. Pereira, R. Alkemade, R. Biggs, E. Bruley, et al.. 2014. Interacting Regional Scale Regime Shifts For Biodiversity And Ecosystem Services. Bioscience 64 (8): 665-679. doi:doi: 10.1093/biosci/biu093.
Thorel, Maxine , Juliette Fauchot, Jérôme Morelle, V Raimbault, B Le Rou, C Miossec, V Kientz-Bouchard, and Pascal Claquin. 2014. Interactive Effects Of Irradiance And Temperature On Growth And Domoic Acid Production Of The Toxic Diatom Pseudo-Nitzschia Australis (Bacillariophyceae). Harmful Algae 39: 232-241.
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Shillito, Bruce , Françoise Gaill, and Juliette Ravaux. 2014. The Ipocamp Pressure Incubator For Deep-Sea Fauna. J Mar Sci Technol 22 (1): 97-102. doi:10.6119/JMST-013-0718-3 .
Grémillet, David , Clara Péron, Jean-Baptiste Pons, Rhida Ouni, Matthieu Authier, Matthieu Thévenet, and Jérôme Fort. 2014. Irreplaceable Area Extends Marine Conservation Hotspot Off Tunisia: Insights From Gps-Tracking Scopoli’s Shearwaters From The Largest Seabird Colony In The Mediterranean. Marine Biology 161: 2669–2680.
Fellous, Alexandre , Pascal Favrel, Ximing Guo, and Guillaume Rivière. 2014. The Jumonji Gene Family In Crassostrea Gigas Suggests Evolutionary Conservation Of Jmj-C Histone Demethylases Orthologues In The Oyster Gametogenesis And Development.. Gene 538 (1): 164-75. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2013.12.016.
Tréguer, Paul , Eric Goberville, Nicolas Barrier, Stéphane L'Helguen, Pascal Morin, Yann Bozec, Peggy Rimmelin-Maury, et al.. 2014. Large And Local-Scale Influences On Physical And Chemical Characteristics Of Coastal Waters Of Western Europe During Winter. Journal Of Marine Systems 139: 79–90.
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Pasquier, Jérémy , Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Karine Rousseau, Bruno Quérat, Philippe Chemineau, and Sylvie Dufour. 2014. Looking For The Bird Kiss: Evolutionary Scenario In Sauropsids.. Bmc Evol Biol 14 (1): 30. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-30.
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Gautier, Aude , A Bosseboeuf, P Auvray, and Pascal Sourdaine. 2014. Maintenance Of Potential Spermatogonial Stem Cells In Vitro By Gdnf Treatment In A Chondrichthyan Model (Scyliorhinus Canicula L.).. Biol Reprod 91 (4): 91. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.113.116020.
Beaugrand, Grégory , Eric Goberville, Christophe Luczak, and Richard R Kirby. 2014. Marine Biological Shifts And Climate. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281: 20133350.
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Duperron, Sébastien , Sylvie M Gaudron, Nolwenn Lemaître, and Germain Bayon. 2014. A Microbiological And Biogeochemical Investigation Of The Cold Seep Tubeworm Escarpia Southwardae (Annelida: Siboglinidae): Symbiosis And Trace Element Composition Of The Tube. Deep-Sea Research Part I - Oceanographic Research Papers. doi:10.1016/J.dsr.2014.05.006.
Tixier, P , J Vacquie-Garcia, Nicolas Gasco, and C Guinet. 2014. Mitigating Killer Whale Depredation On Demersal Longline Fisheries By Changing Fishing Practice.. Ices Journal Of Marine Science.
Pasquier, J , Nedia Kamech, Anne-Gaelle Lafont, H Vaudry, Karine Rousseau, and Sylvie Dufour. 2014. Molecular Evolution Of Gpcrs: Kisspeptin/Kisspeptin Receptors.. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 52 (3): 101-117.
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Denys, Gaël , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Mélyne Hautecoeur, and Philippe Keith. 2014. Morphological And Molecular Evidence Of Three Species Of Pikes Esox Spp. (Actinopterygii, Esocidae) In France, Including The Description Of A New Species. Comptes Rendus Biologies 337 (9): 521-534. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2014.07.002.
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Hundt, Peter J, Samuel Iglesias, Andrew S Hoey, and Andrew M Simons. 2014. A Multilocus Molecular Phylogeny Of Combtooth Blennies (Percomorpha: Blennioidei: Blenniidae): Multiple Invasions Of Intertidal Habitats.. Mol Phylogenet Evol 70: 47-56. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.09.001.
Maugars, Gersende , Sylvie Dufour, Joëlle Cohen-Tannoudji, and Bruno Quérat. 2014. Multiple Thyrotropin Β-Subunit And Thyrotropin Receptor-Related Genes Arose During Vertebrate Evolution.. Plos One 9 (11): e111361. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111361.
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Blanchet, Hugues , Benoît Gouillieux, Sandrine Alizier, Jean-Michel Amouroux, Guy Bachelet, Anne-Laure Barillé, Jean-Claude Dauvin, et al.. 2014. Multiscale Patterns In The Diversity And Organization Of Benthic Intertidal Fauna Among French Atlantic Estuaries. Journal Of Sea Research 90: 95 - 110. doi:
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