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Niquil, Nathalie , Alexandra Baeta, João Carlos Marques, Aurélie Chaalali, Jeremy Lobry, and Joana Patrício. 2014. Reaction Of An Estuarine Food Web To Disturbance: Lindeman’s Perspective. Marine Ecology Progress Series 512: 141–154.
Orvain, Francis , Katell Guizien, Sébastien Lefebvre, Martine Bréret, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Relevance Of Macrozoobenthic Grazers To Understand The Dynamic Behaviour Of Sediment Erodibility And Microphytobenthos Resuspension In Sunny Summer Conditions. Journal Of Sea Research 92: 46-55.
PDF icon Orvain et al 2014b JSR.pdf (584.84 KB)
Pierre, Guillaume , Jean-Michel Zhao, Francis Orvain, Christine Dupuy, Géraldine Klein, Marianne Graber, and Thierry Maugard. 2014. Seasonal Dynamics Of Extracellular Polymeric Substances (Eps) In Surface Sediments Of A Diatom-Dominated Intertidal Mudflat (Marennes–Oléron, France). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 26-35.
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Marchand, Cyril , N Molnar, J Deborde, LC Patrona, and Tarik Meziane. 2014. Seasonal Pattern Of The Biogeochemical Properties Of Mangrove Sediments Receiving Shrimp Farm Effluents (New Caledonia). Journal Of Acquaculture Research & Development 05 (05).
Vojvoda, Jana , Dominique Lamy, Eva Sintes, Juan AL Garcia, Valentina Turk, and Gerhard J Herndl. 2014. Seasonal Variation Of Marine Snow-Associated And Ambient Water Prokaryotic Communities In The Northern Adriatic Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 73: 211-224.
Boglino, A , A Wishkerman, Maria Darias, P de la Iglesia, K B Andree, E Gisbert, and A Estévez. 2014. Senegalese Sole (Solea Senegalensis) Metamorphic Larvae Are More Sensitive To Pseudo-Albinism Induced By High Dietary Arachidonic Acid Levels Than Post-Metamorphic Larvae. Aquaculture 433: 276 - 287. doi:
Dupuy, Christine , Clarisse Mallet, Katell Guizien, Hélène Montanié, Martine Bréret, Françoise Mornet, Camille Fontaine, Caroline Nérot, and Francis Orvain. 2014. Sequential Resuspension Of Biofilm Components (Viruses, Prokaryotes And Protists) As Measured By Erodimetry Experiments In The Brouage Mudflat (French Atlantic Coast). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 56-65.
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Latire, T , Florence Legendre, Nicolas Bigot, Ludovic Carduner, Sabrina Kellouche, Mouloud Bouyoucef, Franck Carreiras, et al. 2014. Shell Extracts From The Marine Bivalve Pecten Maximus Regulate The Synthesis Of Extracellular Matrix In Primary Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts.. Plos One 9 (6): e99931. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099931.
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Ramos-Silva, Paula , Jaap Kaandorp, Frédéric Herbst, Laurent Plasseraud, G Alcaraz, Christine Stern, Marion Corneillat, et al.. 2014. The Skeleton Of The Staghorn Coral Acropora Millepora: Molecular And Structural Characterization.. Plos One 9 (6): e97454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097454.
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Keith, Philippe , and Laura Taillebois. 2014. Status And Distribution Of Smilosicyopus Species (Teleostei, Gobioidei). Cybium 38 (1): 69-73.
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Mallet, Clarisse , Hélène Agogué, Frédérique Bonnemoy, Katell Guizien, Francis Orvain, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Structures Of Benthic Prokaryotic Communities And Their Hydrolytic Enzyme Activities Resuspended From Samples Of Intertidal Mudflats: An Experimental Approach. Journal Of Sea Research 92: 158-169.
PDF icon Mallet et al 2014 CSR.pdf (1.54 MB)
Goberville, Eric , Grégory Beaugrand, and Martin Edwards. 2014. Synchronous Response Of Marine Plankton Ecosystems To Climate In The Northeast Atlantic And The North Sea. Journal Of Marine Systems 129: 189–202.
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Mazzeo, I , David S Penaranda, Victor Gallego, Sylvie Baloche, R Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, Helge Tveiten, Sylvie Dufour, Juan F Asturiano, Finn-Arne Weltzien, and Luz Perez. 2014. Temperature Modulates The Progression Of Vitellogenesis In The European Eel. Aquaculture 434: 38-47.
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Keith, Philippe , Renny Hadiaty, Nicolas Hubert, Frédéric Busson, and Clara Lord. 2014. Three New Species Of Lentipes (Teleostei: Gobiidae) From Indonesia. . Cybium 38 (2): 133-146.
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Orvain, Francis , Margot de Crignis, Katell Guizien, Sébastien Lefebvre, Clarisse Mallet, E Takahashi, and Christine Dupuy. 2014. Tidal And Seasonal Effects On The Short-Term Temporal Patterns Of Bacteria, Microphytobenthos And Exopolymers In Natural Intertidal Biofilms (Brouage, France). Journal Of Sea Research 92: 6-18.
PDF icon Orvain et al 2014a JSR.pdf (868.22 KB)
Lassalle, Géraldine , Pierre Bourdaud, B Saint-Béat, Sébastien Rochette, and Nathalie Niquil. 2014. A Toolbox To Evaluate Data Reliability For Whole-Ecosystem Models: Application On The Bay Of Biscay Continental Shelf Food-Web Model. Ecological Modelling 285: 13–21.
Robert, Marie , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Vincent Fournier, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Benoît Bernay, and Joël Henry. 2014. Transcriptomic And Peptidomic Analysis Of Protein Hydrolysates From The White Shrimp (L. Vannamei).. J Biotechnol 186: 30-7. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.06.020.
Dheilly, Nolwenn M, Aude Jouaux, Pierre Boudry, Pascal Favrel, and Christophe Lelong. 2014. Transcriptomic Profiling Of Gametogenesis In Triploid Pacific Oysters Crassostrea Gigas: Towards An Understanding Of Partial Sterility Associated With Triploidy.. Plos One 9 (11): e112094. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112094.
Simunic, J , D Petrov, T Bouceba, Nedia Kamech, M Benincasa, and D Juretic. 2014. Trichoplaxin - A New Membrane-Active Antimicrobial Peptide From Placozoan Cdna.. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1838 (5): 1430-1438.
Watanabe, S , Midori Iida, Clara Lord, Philippe Keith, and Katsumi Tsukamoto. 2014. Tropical And Temperate Freshwater Amphidromy: A Comparison Between Life History Characteristics Of Sicydiinae, Ayu, Sculpins And Galaxiids.. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries 24: 1:14. doi:DOI 10.1007/s11160-013-9316-8.
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Gallon, Régis , Marine Robuchon, Boris Leroy, L Le Gall, Myriam Valero, and Eric Feunteun. 2014. Twenty Years Of Observed And Predicted Changes In Subtidal Red Seaweed Assemblages Along A Biogeographical Transition Zone: Inferring Potential Causes From Environmental Data. Journal Of Biogeography 41: 2293–2306. doi:10.1111/jbi.12380.
Gras, Michael , Beatriz A Roel, Franck Coppin, Eric Foucher, and Jean-Paul Robin. 2014. A Two-Stage Biomass Model To Assess The English Channel Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis L.) Stock. {Ices} Journal Of Marine Science: Journal Du Conseil 05 (19).
Courtial, Cyril , Lionel Picard, Frédéric Ysnel, and Julien Pétillon. 2014. Validation Of Eustiromastix Guianae (Caporiacco, 1954) (Araneae, Salticidae) With A First Description Of The Female, And Additions To The Salticid Fauna Of French Guiana.. Zookeys (420): 11-8. doi:10.3897/zookeys.420.6977.
Martel, André L, Réjean Tremblay, Nicolas Toupoint, Frédéric Olivier, and B Myrand. 2014. Veliger Size At Metamorphosis And Temporal Variability In Prodissoconch Ii Morphometry In The Blue Mussel (Mytilus Edulis): Potential Impact On Recruitment. Journal Of Shellfish Research 33 (2): 443-455. doi:
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Bellard, Céline , Camille Leclerc, Boris Leroy, Michel Bakkenes, Samuel Veloz, Wilfried Thuiller, and Franck Courchamp. 2014. Vulnerability Of Biodiversity Hotspots To Global Change. Global Ecology And Biogeography 23 (12): 1376 - 1386. doi:10.1111/geb.2014.23.issue-1210.1111/geb.12228.
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Amélineau, Françoise , Clara Péron, Amélie Lescroël, Matthieu Authier, Pascal Provost, and David Grémillet. 2014. Windscape And Tortuosity Shape The Flight Costs Of Northern Gannets. Journal Of Experimental Biology 217: 876–885. doi:10.1242/jeb.097915 .
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Péron, Christina , Damien Chevallier, Martin Galpin, Andy Chatelet, Edward J Anthony, Yvon Le Maho, and Antoine Gardel. 2013. Beach Morphological Changes In Response To Marine Turtles Nesting: A Preliminary Study Of Awala-Yalimapo Beach, French Guiana (South America). Journal Of Coastal Research 65: 99 - 104. doi:10.2112/SI65-018.1.
Chaalali, Aurélie , Grégory Beaugrand, Virginie Raybaud, Eric Goberville, Valérie David, Philippe Boët, and Benoit Sautour. 2013. Climatic Facilitation Of The Colonization Of An Estuary By Acartia Tonsa. Plos One 8.
PDF icon Chaalali et al. 2013.pdf (1.21 MB)
Raybaud, Virginie , Grégory Beaugrand, Eric Goberville, Gaspard Delebecq, Christophe Destombe, Myriam Valero, Dominique Davoult, Pascal Morin, and Francois Gevaert. 2013. Decline In Kelp In West Europe And Climate. Plos One 8.
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Authier, Matthieu , Clara Péron, Alain Mante, Patrick Vidal, and David Grémillet. 2013. Designing Observational Biologging Studies To Assess The Causal Effect Of Instrumentation. Methods In Ecology And Evolution 4: 802–810. doi:
Leroy, Boris , Mauro Paschetta, Alain Canard, Michel Bakkenes, Marco Isaia, and Frédéric Ysnel. 2013. First Assessment Of Effects Of Global Change On Threatened Spiders: Potential Impacts On Dolomedes Plantarius (Clerck) And Its Conservation Plans. Biological Conservation 161: 155 - 163. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2013.03.022.
Kopp, C. , M. Pernice, I. Domart-Coulon, C. Djediat, J. E Spangenberg, D. TL Alexander, M. Hignette, Tarik Meziane, and A. Meibom. 2013. Highly Dynamic Cellular-Level Response Of Symbiotic Coral To A Sudden Increase In Environmental Nitrogenabstract. Mbio 4 (3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00052-13.
Molnar, Nathalie , David T Welsh, Cyril Marchand, Jonathan Deborde, and Tarik Meziane. 2013. Impacts Of Shrimp Farm Effluent On Water Quality, Benthic Metabolism And N-Dynamics In A Mangrove Forest (New Caledonia). Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 117: 12 - 21. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.07.012.
Péron, Clara , David Grémillet, Aurélien Prudor, Emeline Pettex, Claire Saraux, Andrea Soriano-Redondo, Matthieu Authier, and Jérôme Fort. 2013. Importance Of Coastal Marine Protected Areas For The Conservation Of Pelagic Seabirds: The Case Of Vulnerable Yelkouan Shearwaters In The Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation 168: 210–221.
Chevallier, Damien , François Baillon, Yvon Le Maho, Stephane Blanc, Paul Brossault, and Sylvie Massemin. 2013. Importance Of The Connectivity Of Spanish Stopovers For Black Storks. Bird Study 60 (4): 550 - 554. doi:10.1080/00063657.2013.851643.
Jaffre, Mikael , Grégory Beaugrand, Eric Goberville, Frédéric Jiguet, Nils Kjellén, Gerard Troost, Philippe J Dubois, Alain Leprêtre, and Christophe Luczak. 2013. Long-Term Phenological Shifts In Raptor Migration And Climate. Plos One 8.
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Beaugrand, Grégory , Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Martin Edwards, and Eric Goberville. 2013. Long-Term Responses Of North Atlantic Calcifying Plankton To Climate Change. Nature Climate Change 3: 263–267.
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Gallon, R.K. , Frédéric Ysnel, and Eric Feunteun. 2013. Optimization Of An “In Situ” Subtidal Rocky-Shore Sampling Strategy For Monitoring Purposes. Marine Pollution Bulletin 74 (1): 253 - 263. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.06.049.
Santerre, Christelle , Pascal Sourdaine, Nicolas Marc, Christian Mingant, René Robert, and Anne-Sophie Martinez. 2013. Oyster Sex Determination Is Influenced By Temperature - First Clues In Spat During First Gonadic Differentiation And Gametogenesis. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology - Part A: Molecular And Integrative Physiology 165: 61-69. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2013.02.007.
Leroy, Fanny , Tarik Meziane, Pascal Riera, and Thierry Comtet. 2013. Seasonal Variations In Maternal Provisioning Of Crepidula Fornicata (Gastropoda): Fatty Acid Composition Of Females, Embryos And Larvae. Plos One 8 (9): e75316. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.007531610.137.
Wakefield, Ewan , Thomas Bodey, Stuart Bearhop, Jez Blackburn, Kendrew Colhoun, Rachel Davies, Ross Dwyer, et al. 2013. Space Partitioning Without Territoriality In Gannets. Science 341: 68–70. doi:10.1126/science.1236077 .
Perez, Véronique , Frédéric Olivier, Rejean Tremblay, Urs Neumeier, Julien Thebault, Laurent Chauvaud, and Tarik Meziane. 2013. Trophic Resources Of The Bivalve, Venus Verrucosa , In The Chausey Archipelago (Normandy, France) Determined By Stable Isotopes And Fatty Acids. Aquatic Living Resources 26 (3): 229 - 239. doi:10.1051/alr/2013058.
Mantzouki, Evanthia , Frédéric Ysnel, Alexandre Carpentier, and Julien Pétillon. 2012. Accuracy Of Pitfall Traps For Monitoring Populations Of The Amphipod Orchestia Gammarella (Pallas 1766) In Saltmarshes. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 113: 314 - 316. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.07.022.
Yameogo, Dieudonné , Damien Chevallier, and Paul Brossault. 2012. The Black Stork At The Nazinga Ranch (Burkina Faso). 6Ème Conférence Internationale Cigogne Noire. Châlons-en-Champagne, France: Ornithos.
Pruvost, Thomas ¨, and Damien Chevallier. 2012. Eco-Ethology Of The Black Stork: Characteristics Of Feeding Sites. 6Ème Conférence Internationale Cigogne Noire. Châlons-en-Champagne, France: Ornithos.
Goberville, Eric , and Grégory Beaugrand. 2012. Évaluation Rapide Des Perturbations Anthropiques: Cas De L'enrichissement En Nutriments En Milieux Côtiers. In Le 26Ème Forum Des Jeunes Océanographes De France', 89-95. Union des Océanographes de France.
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