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David, Frank , Gwen Herault, Nadia Ameziane, Tarik Meziane, Aicha Badou, and Cédric Hubas. 2023. Sex-Specific Seasonal Variations In The Fatty Acid And Carotenoid Composition Of Sea Cucumber Gonads And Implications For Aquaculture. Marine Biology 170 (4). doi:10.1007/s00227-023-04198-0.
David, Frank , Cyril Marchand, Thanh-Nho Nguyen, Pierre Taillardat, and Tarik Meziane. 2019. Trophic Relationships And Basal Resource Utilisation In The Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve (Southern Vietnam). Journal Of Sea Research. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2018.12.006.
David, Frank , and Boonsatien Boonsoong. 2014. Colonisation Of Leaf Litter By Lotic Macroinvertebrates In A Headwater Stream Of The Phachi River (Western Thailand). Fundamental And Applied Limnology 184: 109-124. doi:10.1127/1863-9135/2014/0596.
PDF icon David & Boonsoong 2014.pdf (699.08 KB)
David, Frank , Tarik Meziane, N Tran-thi, Truong V Van, N Thành-Nho, Pierre Taillardat, and Cyril Marchand. 2018. Carbon Biogeochemistry And Co2 Emissions In A Human Impacted And Mangrove Dominated Tropical Estuary (Can Gio, Vietnam). Biogeochemistry: 1-15. doi:
David, Frank , Cyril Marchand, Pierre Taillardat, N Thành-Nho, and Tarik Meziane. 2018. Nutritional Composition Of Suspended Particulate Matter In A Tropical Mangrove Creek During A Tidal Cycle (Can Gio, Vietnam). Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 200: 126-130. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2017.10.017.
PDF icon David_ECSS2018 .pdf (905.22 KB)
David, Frank , Tarik Meziane, Cyril Marchand, Guillaume Rolland, Aurélie Pham, Nguyen Thanh-Nho, and Dominique Lamy. 2021. Prokaryotic Abundance, Cell Size And Extracellular Enzymatic Activity In A Human Impacted And Mangrove Dominated Tropical Estuary (Can Gio, Vietnam). Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science: 107253. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107253.
M de, Pinna , and Philippe Keith. 2019. Mastiglanis Durantoni From French Guyana, A Second Species In The Genus (Siluriformes: Heptapteridae), With A Ct Scan Survey Of Phylogenetically-Relevant Characters. Cybium 43 (2): 125-135. doi:
PDF icon 6-Pinna 1085 [Cybium 2019, 432].pdf (2.72 MB)
De Cesare, S , Tarik Meziane, Laurent Chauvaud, J Richard, M K Sejr, J Thébault, G Winkler, and Frédéric Olivier. 2017. Dietary Plasticity In The Bivalve Astarte Moerchi Revealed By A Multimarker Study In Two Arctic Fjords. Marine Ecology Progress Series 567: 157-172.
De Grave, Sammy , Wim Decock, Stefanie Dekeyzer, Peter JF Davie, Charles HJM Fransen, Christopher B Boyko, Gary CB Poore, et al. 2023. Benchmarking Global Biodiversity Of Decapod Crustaceans (Crustacea: Decapoda). Journal Of Crustacean Biology 43 (3). doi:10.1093/jcbiol/ruad042.
PDF icon De Grave &al - 2023 - Benchmarking.pdf (837.1 KB)
De La Barra, Evans , José Zubieta, Gastón Aguilera, Mabel Maldonado, Marc Pouilly, and Thierry Oberdorff. 2015. Which Factors Determine The Altitudinal Distribution Of Tropical Andean Riverine Fishes?. Revista De Biolog{Ía Tropical/International Journal Of Tropical Biology And Conservation 64: 157–176.
De La Barra, E. , J. Zubieta, G. Aguilera, M. Maldonado, Marc Pouilly, and Thierry Oberdorff. 2016. Which Factors Determine The Altitudinal Distribution Of Tropical Andean Riverine Fishes?. Revista De Biologia Tropical 64 (1): 173-192.
PDF icon De La Barra et al 2016.pdf (1.38 MB)
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2024. An Integrative Taxonomic Revision Of The Freshwater Atyid Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) Of Micronesia. Diversity 16 (200): 1-31. doi:10.3390/d16040200.
PDF icon de Mazancourt, Marquet, Keith - 2024 - An integrative taxonomic revision of the freshwater atyid shrimps (Crustacea Decapoda Caridea) of.pdf (10.87 MB)
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, Werner Klotz, and Philippe Keith. 2018. Integrative Taxonomy Helps Separate Four Species Of Freshwater Shrimps Commonly Overlooked As Caridina Longirostris (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) In Indo-West Pacific Islands.. Invertebrate Systematics 32: 1422–1447.
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Torsten Wappler, and Sonja Wedmann. 2022. Exceptional Preservation Of Internal Organs In A New Fossil Species Of Freshwater Shrimp (Caridea: Palaemonoidea) From The Eocene Of Messel (Germany). Scientific Reports 12 (18114): 1-12. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-23125-9.
PDF icon de Mazancourt, Wappler, Wedmann - 2022 - Exceptional preservation of internal organs in a new fossil species of freshwater shrimp (Carid.pdf (12.82 MB)
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Hendrik Freitag, Kristina von Rintelen, Marivene Manuel-Santos, and Thomas von Rintelen. 2023. Updated Checklist Of The Freshwater Shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) Of Mindoro Island, The Philippines, With A Description Of A New Species Of Caridina. Arthropoda 1 (4): 374 - 397. doi:10.3390/arthropoda1040015.
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de Mazancourt, Valentin , Ahmed Abdou, Magalie Castelin, Céline Ellien, Clara Lord, Marion Mennesson, Clémentine Renneville, Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2023. Molecular Ecology Of The Freshwater Shrimp Caridina Natalensis And Comparative Analysis With Other Amphidromous Species (Decapoda, Teleostei, And Gastropoda). Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-023-05283-7.
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2018. Caridina Variabilirostris (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae), A New Species Of Freshwater Shrimp From Pohnpei (Micronesia). European Journal Of Taxonomy 453: 1-16.
PDF icon Mazancourt et al. - 2021 - New Insights on Biodiversity and Conservation of Amphidromous Shrimps of the Indo-Pacific islands (Decapoda A.pdf (11.2 MB)
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2017. The “Pinocchio-Shrimp Effect”: First Evidence Of Variation In Rostrum Length With The Environment In Caridina H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae). Journal Of Crustacean Biology 37 (3): 243-248.
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Werner Klotz, Gérard Marquet, B Mos, C Rogers, and Philippe Keith. 2019. The Complex Study Of Complexes: The First Well-Supported Phylogeny Of Two Species Complexes Within Genus Caridina (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) Sheds Light On Evolution, Biogeography, And Habitat. Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 131: 164-180.
PDF icon de Mazancourt et al. - 2022 - West Side Story A molecular and morphological study of iCaridina longicarpusi Roux, 1926 (Decapoda, Caride.pdf (4.95 MB)
de Mazancourt, Valentin , MC Mlambo, Magalie Castelin, C Renneville, Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2019. Resurrection Of Caridina Natalensis De Man, 1908 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) In The South Western Indian Ocean. Zootaxa 4543 (3): 375-387.
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, and Philippe Keith. 2019. Revision Of Freshwater Shrimps Belonging To Caridina Weberi Complex (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From Polynesia With Discussion On Their Biogeography. Journal Of Natural History 53 (13–14): 815–847. doi:
PDF icon Mazancourt et al. - 2021 - New Insights on Biodiversity and Conservation of Amphidromous Shrimps of the Indo-Pacific islands (Decapoda A.pdf (11.2 MB)
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Gérard Marquet, Christopher D Rogers, and Philippe Keith. 2018. Description Of A New Species Of Caridina (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) From Two Micronesian Islands (Guam And Babeldaob). Zootaxa 4377 (1): 039–050.
PDF icon Mazancourt et al - 2018 Description of a new species of Caridina from two Micronesian Islands.pdf (1.38 MB)
De Smet, Bart , An Sophie D'Hondt, Verhelst Pieterjan, Jérôme Fournier, Laurent Godet, Nicolas Desroy, Marijn Rabaut, Vincx Magda, and Vanaverbeke Jan. 2015. Biogenic Reefs Affect Multiple Components Of Intertidal Soft-Bottom Benthic Assemblages: The Lanice Conchilega Case Study. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 152: 44-55. doi:doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.002.
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De Smet, Bart , Jérôme Fournier, Marleen De Troch, Magda Vincx, and Jan Vanaverbeke. 2015. Integrating Ecosystem Engineering And Food Web Ecology: Testing The Effect Of Biogenic Reefs On The Food Web Of A Soft-Bottom Intertidal Area. Plos One 10 (10): e0140857.
PDF icon De Smet et al. (2015) - Integrating ecosystem engineering and food web ecology.pdf (1 MB)
Debache, Isaac , Lorène Jeantet, Damien Chevallier, Audrey Bergouignan, and Cédric Sueur. 2020. A Lean And Performant Hierarchical Model For Human Activity Recognition Using Body-Mounted Sensors. Sensors 20 (11): 3090. doi:10.3390/s20113090.
Debenay, J-P , Cyril Marchand, Nathalie Molnar, Adélaide Aschenbroich, and Tarik Meziane. 2015. Foraminiferal Assemblages As Bioindicators To Assess Potential Pollution In Mangroves Used As A Natural Biofilter For Shrimp Farm Effluents (New Caledonia). Marine Pollution Bulletin 93 (1-2): 103-120. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.02.009.
Deborde, J , P Refait, Paco Bustamante, Christelle Caplat, O Basuyaux, AM Grolleau, and M-L Mahaut. 2015. Impact Of Galvanic Anode Dissolution Onmetal Trace Element Concentrations In Marine Waters. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 226: 226-423.
Deborde, Jonhatan , Cyril Marchand, Nathalie Molnar, Luc Della-Patrona, and Tarik Meziane. 2015. Concentrations And Fractionation Of Carbon, Iron, Sulfur, Nitrogen And Phosphorus In Mangrove Sediments Along An Intertidal Gradient (Semi-Arid Climate, New Caledonia). J. Mar. Sci. Eng. (3): 52-57.
PDF icon Laborde et al 2015.pdf (1.71 MB)
PDF icon Deirmendjian&Abril_2018_JofH.pdf (2.07 MB)
Deirmendjian, Loris , Denis Loustau, Laurent Augusto, Sébastien Lafont, Christophe Chipeaux, Dominique Poirier, and Gwenaël Abril. 2018. Hydro-Ecological Controls On Dissolved Carbon Dynamics In Groundwater And Export To Streams In A Temperate Pine Forest. Biogeosciences 15: 669–691. doi:10.5194/bg-15-669-2018.
Deirmendjian, Loris , Pierre Anschutz, Christian Morel, Alain Mollier, Laurent Augusto, Denis Loustau, Luiz Carlos Cotovicz, et al. 2019. Importance Of The Vegetation-Groundwater-Stream Continuum To Understand Transformation Of Biogenic Carbon In Aquatic Systems – A Case Study Based On A Pine-Maize Comparison In A Lowland Sandy Watershed (Landes De Gascogne, Sw France). Science Of The Total Environment 661: 613–629. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.152.
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Deirmendjian, Loris , Denis Loustau, Laurent Augusto, Sébastien Lafont, Christophe Chipeaux, Dominique Poirier, and Gwenaël Abril. 2018. Hydro-Ecological Controls On Dissolved Carbon Dynamics In Groundwater And Export To Streams In A Temperate Pine Forest. Biogeosciences 15: 669–691. doi:10.5194/bg-15-669-2018.
PDF icon Deirmendjian_et_al_2018_BG.pdf (2.44 MB)
Delord, K. , Timothée Poupart, Nicolas Gasco, H. Weimerskirch, and Christophe Barbraud. 2022. First Evidence Of Migration Across The South Pacific In Endangered Amsterdam Albatross And Conservation Implications. Marine Policy 136: 104921. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104921.
Delord, K. , Cédric Cotte, Clara Péron, Cédric MARTEAU, Patrice Pruvost, Nicolas Gasco, Guy Duhamel, Yves Cherel, and Henri WEIMERSKIRCH. 2010. At-Sea Distribution And Diet Of An Endangered Top Predator: Relationship Between White-Chinned Petrels And Commercial Longline Fisheries. Endangered Species Research 13: 1–16. doi:10.3354/esr00309 .
Delrieu‐Trottin, Erwan , Jean‐Dominique Durand, Gino Limmon, Tedjo Sukmono, , Hagi Yulia Sugeha, Wei‐Jen Chen, et al.. 2020. Biodiversity Inventory Of The Grey Mullets (Actinopterygii: Mugilidae) Of The Indo‐Australian Archipelago Through The Iterative Use Of Dna‐Based Species Delimitation And Specimen Assignment Methods. Evolutionary Applications. doi:10.1111/eva.12926.
Denys, Gaël , and Sébastien Manné. 2019. First Record Of Phoxinus Csikii Hankó, 1922 (Actinopterygii, Cypriniformes) In France. Cybium 43 (2): 199-202.
PDF icon Denys & Manné 2019 Phoxinus csikii.pdf (838.6 KB)
PDF icon Denys et al 2020 Thymallus thymallus mitogenome.pdf (567.33 KB)
Denys, Gaël , Henri Persat, Agnès Dettai, Geiger Mathias, J Freyhof, J Fesquet, and Philippe Keith. 2018. Genetic And Morphological Discrimination Of Three Species Of Ninespined Stickleback Pungitius Spp. (Teleostei, Gasterosteidae) In France With The Revalidation Of Pungitius Vulgaris (Mauduyt, 1848). J Zool Syst Evol Res 2017: 1–25.
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Denys, Gaël , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Piotr Daszkiewicz, Mélyne Hautecoeur, and Philippe Keith. 2020. Revision Of Phoxinus In France With The Description Of Two New Species (Teleostei, Leuciscidae). Cybium 44 (3): 205-237.
PDF icon Denys et al 2020 Phoxinus taxonomy.pdf (5.51 MB)
Denys, Gaël , Agnès Dettai, Henri Persat, Mélyne Hautecoeur, and Philippe Keith. 2014. Morphological And Molecular Evidence Of Three Species Of Pikes Esox Spp. (Actinopterygii, Esocidae) In France, Including The Description Of A New Species. Comptes Rendus Biologies 337 (9): 521-534. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2014.07.002.
PDF icon Denys et al 2014 Esox aquitanicus.pdf (1.89 MB)