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Fabri-Ruiz, Salomé , Bruno Danis, Nicolas Navarro, Philippe Koubbi, Rémi Laffont, and Thomas Saucède. 2020. Benthic Ecoregionalization Based On Echinoid Fauna Of The Southern Ocean Supports Current Proposals Of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas Under Ipcc Scenarios Of Climate Change. Global Change Biology 26 (4): 2161 - 2180. doi:10.1111/gcb.v26.410.1111/gcb.14988.
Delrieu‐Trottin, Erwan , Jean‐Dominique Durand, Gino Limmon, Tedjo Sukmono, , Hagi Yulia Sugeha, Wei‐Jen Chen, et al.. 2020. Biodiversity Inventory Of The Grey Mullets (Actinopterygii: Mugilidae) Of The Indo‐Australian Archipelago Through The Iterative Use Of Dna‐Based Species Delimitation And Specimen Assignment Methods. Evolutionary Applications. doi:10.1111/eva.12926.
Jules, Selles , Bonhommeau Sylvain, Guillotreau Patrice, and Vallée Thomas. 2020. Can The Threat Of Economic Sanctions Ensure The Sustainability Of International Fisheries? An Experiment Of A Dynamic Non-Cooperative Cpr Game With Uncertain Tipping Point. Environmental And Resource Economics 76 (1): 153 - 176. doi:10.1007/s10640-020-00419-y.
Colchen, Tatiana , E Gisbert, Y Ledoré, F Teletchea, P Fontaine, and A Pasquet. 2020. Is A Cannibal Different From Its Conspecifics? A Behavioural, Morphological, Muscular And Retinal Structure Study With Pikeperch Juveniles Under Farming Conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 224: 104947. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2020.104947.
Cotovicz, Luiz C, Luciana O Vidal, Carlos Eduardo de Rezende, Marcelo C Bernardes, Bastiaan A Knoppers, Rodrigo L Sobrinho, Renan P Cardoso, et al. 2020. Carbon Dioxide Sources And Sinks In The Delta Of The Paraíba Do Sul River (Southeastern Brazil) Modulated By Carbonate Thermodynamics, Gas Exchange And Ecosystem Metabolism During Estuarine Mixing. Marine Chemistry 226: 103869. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103869.
Clavareau, Lyndsay , Martin P Marzloff, Verena M Trenkel, Catherine M Bulman, Sophie Gourguet, Bertrand Le Gallic, Pierre-Yves Hernvann, et al. 2020. Comparison Of Approaches For Incorporating Depredation On Fisheries Catches Into Ecopath. Ices Journal Of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa219.
Dauphin, Yannicke , Gilles Luquet, Aline Percot, and Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli. 2020. Comparison Of Embryonic And Adult Shells Of Sepia Officinalis (Cephalopoda, Mollusca). Zoomorphology 139: 151-169. doi:10.1007/s00435-020-00477-2.
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Albert, Luana , François Deschamps, Aurélie Jolivet, Frédéric Olivier, Laurent Chauvaud, and Sylvain Chauvaud. 2020. A Current Synthesis On The Effects Of Electric And Magnetic Fields Emitted By Submarine Power Cables On Invertebrates. Marine Environmental Research 159: 104958. doi:
Courbin, Nicolas , Tendai Chinho, Lorien Pichegru, Ambalika Verma-Grémillet, Clara Péron, Peter G Ryan, and David Grémillet. 2020. The Dance Of The Cape Gannet May Contain Social Information On Foraging Behaviour. Animal Behaviour 166: 95-108.
Jézéquel, Céline , Pablo A Tedesco, Remy Bigorne, Javier A Maldonado-Ocampo, Hernan Ortega, Max Hidalgo, Koen Martens, et al.. 2020. A Database Of Freshwater Fish Species Of The Amazon Basin. Scientific Data 7: 1–9.
Clark, Melody S, Lloyd S Peck, Jaison Arivalagan, Thierry Backeljau, Sophie Berland, Joao CR Cardoso, Carlos Caurcel, et al. 2020. Deciphering Mollusc Shell Production: The Roles Of Genetic Mechanisms Through To Ecology, Aquaculture And Biomimetics.. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. doi:10.1111/brv.12640.
Arivalagan, Jaison , Benjamin Marie, Giovanni Chiappetta, Joëlle Vinh, Xavier Gallet, Matthieu Lebon, Saloua M'Zoudi, Philippe Dubois, Sophie Berland, and Arul Marie. 2020. Deciphering Shell Proteome Within Different Baltic Populations Of Mytilid Mussels Illustrates Important Local Variability And Potential Consequences In The Context Of Changing Marine Conditions. Science Of The Total Environment 745: 140878. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140878.
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Guilhen, Jérémy , Ahmad Al Bitar, Sabine Sauvage, Marie Parrens, Jean-Michel Martinez, Gwenaël Abril, Patricia Moreira-Turcq, and José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez. 2020. Denitrification And Associated Nitrous Oxide And Carbon Dioxide Emissions From The Amazonian Wetlands. Biogeosciences 17 (16): 4297 - 4311. doi:10.5194/bg-17-4297-2020.
Teichert, Nils , Jean‐Philippe Benitez, Arnaud Dierckx, Stéphane Tétard, Eric Oliveira, Thomas Trancart, Eric Feunteun, and Michaël Ovidio. 2020. Development Of An Accurate Model To Predict The Phenology Of Atlantic Salmon Smolt Spring Migration. Aquatic Conservation: Marine And Freshwater Ecosystems. doi:10.1002/aqc.3382.
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Fleming, Mitchell Stewart, Gersende Maugars, Patrick Martin, Sylvie Dufour, and Karine Rousseau. 2020. Differential Regulation Of The Expression Of The Two Thyrotropin Beta Subunit Paralogs By Salmon Pituitary Cells In Vitro. Frontiers In Endocrinology 11. doi:10.3389/fendo.2020.603538.
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Sholihah, Arni , Erwan Delrieu-Trottin, Tedjo Sukmono, Hadi Dahruddin, Renny Risdawati, Roza Elvyra, Arif Wibowo, et al. 2020. Disentangling The Taxonomy Of The Subfamily Rasborinae (Cypriniformes, Danionidae) In Sundaland Using Dna Barcodes. Scientific Reports 10 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-59544-9.
NGUÉMA, Alban-Michel NGUÉMA, Assane NDIAYE, Lynda Chancelia NKOGHE, Jacques François MAVOUNGOU1, and Frédéric Ysnel. 2020. Diversité Des Assemblages D’araignées Dans Les Écosystèmes Savanicoles Des Plateaux Batéké, Haut-Ogooué, Gabon. Afrique Science 16 (5): 106-117.
Bonadè, Morgane , Atsushi Ogura, Erwan Corre, Yann Bassaglia, and Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli. 2020. Diversity Of Light Sensing Molecules And Their Expression During The Embryogenesis Of The Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis). Frontiers In Physiology 11: 521989. doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.521989.
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Prins, Antoine , Paul Deleris, Cédric Hubas, and Bruno Jesus. 2020. Effect Of Light Intensity And Light Quality On Diatom Behavioral And Physiological Photoprotection. Frontiers In Marine Science 7: 203. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00203.
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Nisembaum, Laura Gabriela, Patrick Martin, Michael Fuentès, Laurence Besseau, Elodie Magnanou, Stephen D McCormick, and Jack Falcon. 2020. Effects Of A Temperature Rise On Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar, Melatonin And Thyroid Hormones During Smoltification. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B 190: 731-748. doi:10.1007/s00360-020-01304-2.
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Nisembaum, Laura Gabriela, Patrick Martin, M Fuentès, Laurence Besseau, Elodie Magnanou, Stephen McCormick, and Jack Falcón. 2020. Effects Of A Temperature Rise On Melatonin And Thyroid Hormones During Smoltification Of Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar. J Comp Physiol B. doi:10.1007/s00360-020-01304-2.
Jeng, Shan-Ru , Peter Thomas, Yefei Pang, Sylvie Dufour, Chien-Ju Lin, Wen-Shiun Yueh, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2020. Elevated Estradiol-17Β Levels Inhibit Final Oocyte Maturation Via G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor (Gper) In Yellowfin Porgy, Acanthopagrus Latus. General And Comparative Endocrinology 299: 113587. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113587.
Dufour, Sylvie , and Karine Rousseau. 2020. Endocrinology: An Evolutionary Perspective On Neuroendocrine Axes In Teleosts. In The Physiology Of Fishes, Fifth Edition, Suzanne Curie and David H. Evans, Editors, 105-116. Boca Raton,FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/9781003036401 .
Faillettaz, Robin , Christophe Roger, Michel Mathieu, Jean-Paul Robin, and Katherine Costil. 2020. Establishment And Population Features Of The Non-Native Atlantic Rangia, Rangia Cuneata (Mollusca: Bivalvia), In Northwestern France. Aquatic Invasions.
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Morelle, Jérôme , Pascal Claquin, and Francis Orvain. 2020. Evidence For Better Microphytobenthos Dynamics In Mixed Sand/Mud Zones Than In Pure Sand Or Mud Intertidal Flats (Seine Estuary, Normandy, France). Plos One 15 (8): e0237211. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237211.
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Hernawati, Rena , Ujang Nurhaman, Frederic Busson, Bambang Suryobroto, Robert Hanner, Philippe Keith, Daisy Wowor, and Nicolas Hubert. 2020. Exploring Community Assembly Among Javanese And Balinese Freshwater Shrimps (Atyidae, Palaemonidae) Through Dna Barcodes. Hydrobiologia 847 (2): 647 - 663. doi:10.1007/s10750-019-04127-7.
Falcón, Jack , Alicia Torriglia, Dina Attia, Françoise Viénot, Claude Gronfier, Francine Behar-Cohen, Christophe Martinsons, and David Hicks. 2020. Exposure To Artificial Light At Night And The Consequences For Flora, Fauna, And Ecosystems. Frontiers In Neuroscience 14. doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.602796.
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David, Frank , Cyril Marchand, Vinh Truong Van, Pierre Taillardat, Nguyen Thanh-Nho, and Tarik Meziane. 2020. Fatty Acid Compositions Of Four Benthic Species Along The Salinity Gradient Of A Human Impacted And Mangrove Dominated Tropical Estuary (Can Gio, Vietnam). Journal Of Sea Research: 101955. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2020.101955.
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Miller, Michael J, Reinhold Hanel, Eric Feunteun, and Katsumi Tsukamoto. 2020. The Food Source Of Sargasso Sea Leptocephali. Marine Biology 167 (5). doi:10.1007/s00227-020-3662-6.
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David, Frank , Cédric Hubas, Helène Laguerre, Aicha Badou, Gwen Herault, Théo Bordelet, and Nadia Ameziane. 2020. Food Sources, Digestive Efficiency And Resource Allocation In The Sea Cucumber Holothuria Forskali (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea): Insights From Pigments And Fatty Acids. Aquaculture Nutrition 26 (5): 1568-1583. doi:10.1111/anu.13103.
Reichenbacher, Bettina , Tomáš Přikryl, Alexander F Cerwenka, Philippe Keith, Christoph Gierl, and Martin Dohrmann. 2020. Freshwater Gobies 30 Million Years Ago: New Insights Into Character Evolution And Phylogenetic Relationships Of †Pirskeniidae (Gobioidei, Teleostei). Plos One 15 (8): e0237366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237366.
Massé, Anaïs , Aline Tribollet, Tarik Meziane, Marie‐Lise Bourguet‐Kondracki, Claude Yéprémian, Charlotte Sève, Najet Thiney, Arlette Longeon, Alain Couté, and Isabelle Domart‐Coulon. 2020. Functional Diversity Of Microboring Ostreobium Algae Isolated From Corals. Environmental Microbiology. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15256.
Cruz, Sónia , Charlotte LeKieffre, Paulo Cartaxana, Cédric Hubas, Najet Thiney, Sofie Jakobsen, Stéphane Escrig, et al.. 2020. Functional Kleptoplasts Intermediate Incorporation Of Carbon And Nitrogen In Cells Of The Sacoglossa Sea Slug Elysia Viridis. Scientific Reports 10 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-66909-7.
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Le Franc, Lorane , Benoît Bernay, Bruno Petton, Marc Since, Pascal Favrel, and Guillaume Rivière. 2020. A Functional M6 A‐Rna Methylation Pathway In The Oyster Crassostrea Gigas Assumes Epitranscriptomic Regulation Of Lophotrochozoan Development. The Febs Journal. doi:10.1111/febs.15500.
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Keith, Philippe , Marion Mennesson, S Sauri, Frédéric Busson, Erwan Delrieu-Trottin, G Limmon, T Sukomono, et al.. 2020. Giuris (Teleostei: Eleotridae) From Indonesia, With Description Of A New Species. Cybium 44 (4): 331-349.
Louppe, Vivien , Boris Leroy, Anthony Herrel, and Géraldine Veron. 2020. The Globally Invasive Small Indian Mongoose Urva Auropunctata Is Likely To Spread With Climate Changeabstract. Scientific Reports 10 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64502-6.
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Maugars, G. , J. Pasquier, C. Atkinson, A.-G. Lafont, A. Campo, Nedia Kamech, B. Lefranc, J. Leprince, Sylvie Dufour, and K. Rousseau. 2020. Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Hormone In Teleosts: New Insights From A Basal Representative, The Eel. General And Comparative Endocrinology 287: 113350. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.113350.
Ysnel, Frédéric , Loïs Morel, Pierre DEVOGEL, Thomas ALTHERR, Sébastien Dugravot, Régis MOREL, and Jean-François LEBAS. 2020. Hiérarchisation De La Valeur De Préservation Des Oiseaux Nicheurs À Enjeux : Application D’un Indice Intégrateur Pour Le Département D’ille-Et-Vilaine. Naturae (13). doi:10.5852/naturae2020a13.
Siegwalt, Flora , Simon Benhamou, Marc Girondot, Lorène Jeantet, Jordan Martin, Marc Bonola, Pierre Lelong, et al.. 2020. High Fidelity Of Sea Turtles To Their Foraging Grounds Revealed By Satellite Tracking And Capture-Mark-Recapture: New Insights For The Establishment Of Key Marine Conservation Areas. Biological Conservation 250: 108742. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108742.
McClanahan, T.R. , E.S. Darling, J.M. Maina, NA Muthiga, S. D'agata, J. Leblond, R. Arthur, et al. 2020. Highly Variable Taxa-Specific Coral Bleaching Responses To Thermal Stresses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 648: 135 - 151. doi:10.3354/meps13402.
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Scaros, Alexia T, Aude Andouche, Sébastien Baratte, and Roger P Croll. 2020. Histamine And Histidine Decarboxylase In The Olfactory System And Brain Of The Common Cuttlefish Sepia Officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal Of Comparative Neurology 528 (7): 1095 - 1112. doi:10.1002/cne.v528.710.1002/cne.24809.
Hicks, David , Dina Attia, Francine Behar-Cohen, Samuel Carré, Olivier Enouf, Jack Falcon, Claude Gronfier, et al.. 2020. How Good Is The Evidence That Light At Night Can Affect Human Health?. Graefe's Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 258 (2): 231 - 232. doi:10.1007/s00417-019-04579-6.
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