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Rombouts, I. , Nathalie Simon, Anais Aubert, T. Cariou, Eric Feunteun, Laurent Guerin, M. Hoebeke, A. McQuatters-Gollop, F. Rigaut-Jalabert, and Luis Felipe Artigas. 2019. Changes In Marine Phytoplankton Diversity: Assessment Under The Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators 102: 265 - 277. doi:
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Rolet, Céline , Nicolas Spilmont, Dominique Davoult, Eric Goberville, and Christophe Luczak. 2015. Anthropogenic Impact On Macrobenthic Communities And Consequences For Shorebirds In Northern France: A Complex Response. Biological Conservation 184. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.02.016.
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Rojas, Emilio R, Cédric Sueur, Pierre-Yves Henry, Blandine Doligez, Gérard Wey, Olivier Dehorter, Sylvie Massemin, et al.. 2016. Network Analysis Shows Asymmetrical Flows Within A Bird Metapopulation. Plos One 11 (11): e0166701. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.016670110.1371/journal.pone.0166701.g00110.1371/journal.pone.0166701.t00110.1371/journal.pone.0166701.t00210.1371/journal.pone.0166701.s001.
Robuchon, Marine , Boris Leroy, Céline Jézéquel, and Bernard Hugueny. 2019. Correlations Between Broad‐Scale Taxonomic And Genetic Differentiations Suggest A Dominant Imprint Of Historical Processes On Beta Diversities. Journal Of Biogeography 46 (5): 1083 - 1095. doi:10.1111/jbi.2019.46.issue-510.1111/jbi.13559.
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Robuchon, Marine , Sandrine Pavoine, Simon Véron, Giacomo Delli, Daniel P Faith, Andrea Mandrici, Roseli Pellens, Grégoire Dubois, and Boris Leroy. 2021. Revisiting Species And Areas Of Interest For Conserving Global Mammalian Phylogenetic Diversity. Nature Communications 12 (1). doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23861-y.
Robuchon, Marine , Daniel P Faith, Romain Julliard, Boris Leroy, Roseli Pellens, Alexandre Robert, Charles Thévenin, Simon Véron, and Sandrine Pavoine. 2019. Species Splitting Increases Estimates Of Evolutionary History At Risk. Biological Conservation 235: 27 - 35. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.03.041.
Robinet, Tony , Valérie Roussel, Karine Cheze, and Pierre‐Alexandre Gagnaire. 2020. Spatial Gradients Of Introgressed Ancestry Reveal Cryptic Connectivity Patterns In A High Gene Flow Marine Fish. Molecular Ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.15611.
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Robin, Jean-Paul , Michael Roberts, Lou Zeidberg, Isobel Bloor, Almendra Rodriguez, Felipe Briceño, Nicola Downey, et al.. 2014. Chapter Four : Transitions During Cephalopod Life History: The Role Of Habitat, Environment, Functional Morphology And Behaviour.
Robert, Marie , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Vincent Fournier, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Benoît Bernay, and Joël Henry. 2015. Molecular Characterization Of Peptide Fractions Of A Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) By-Product Hydrolysate And In Vitro Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity. Process Biochemistry 50 (3): 487-492.
Robert, Marie , Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Vincent Fournier, Erwan Corre, Gildas Le Corguille, Benoît Bernay, and Joël Henry. 2014. Transcriptomic And Peptidomic Analysis Of Protein Hydrolysates From The White Shrimp (L. Vannamei).. J Biotechnol 186: 30-7. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.06.020.
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Rivière, Guillaume , Yan He, Samuele Tecchio, Elizabeth Crowell, Michaël Gras, Pascal Sourdaine, Ximing Guo, and Pascal Favrel. 2017. Dynamics Of Dna Methylomes Underlie Oyster Development. Plos Genetics 13 (6): e1006807. https:// 71/journal.p gen.1006807.
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Rivière, Guillaume , Christophe Klopp, Nabihoudine Ibouniyamine, Arnaud Huvet, Pierre Boudry, and Pascal Favrel. 2015. Gigaton: An Extensive Publicly Searchable Database Providing A New Reference Transcriptome In The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas.. Bmc Bioinformatics 16: 401. doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0833-4.
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Rimmer, James EV, Cédric Hubas, Adam J Wyness, Bruno Jesus, Morgan Hartley, Andrew J Blight, Antoine Prins, and David M Paterson. 2022. The Response Of Microphytobenthos To Physical Disturbance, Herbicide, And Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle Exposure. Marine Pollution Bulletin 185: 114348. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114348.
Righton, D. , H. Westerberg, Eric Feunteun, F. Okland, P. Gargan, E. Amilhat, J. Metcalfe, et al. 2016. Empirical Observations Of The Spawning Migration Of European Eels: The Long And Dangerous Road To The Sargasso Sea.. Science Advances. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501694.
Riera, Elisabeth , Dominique Lamy, Christophe Goulard, P Francour, and Cédric Hubas. 2018. Biofilm Monitoring As A Tool To Assess The Efficiency Of Artificial Reefs As Substrates: Toward 3D Printed Reefs. Ecological Engineering 120: 230 - 237. doi:
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Riera, Elisabeth , Cédric Hubas, Mischa Ungermann, Guy Rigot, Alexis Pey, Patrice Francour, and Fracesca Rossi. 2023. Artificial Reef Effectiveness Changes Among Types As Revealed By Underwater Hyperspectral Imagery. Restoration Ecology: e13978. doi:10.1111/rec.13978.
Richirt, Julien , Eric Goberville, Vania Ruiz-Gonzalez, and Benoit Sautour. 2019. Local Changes In Copepod Composition And Diversity In Two Coastal Systems Of Western Europe. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science: 106304.
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A. Ribeiro, Cella , Fugimoto L. Assakawa, Gislene Torrente-Vilara, Jansen Zuanon, R.G. Leite, C. Doria, and Fabrice Duponchelle. 2015. Temporal And Spatial Distribution Of Young Brachyplatystoma Spp. (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) Along The Rapids Stretch Of The Madeira River (Brazil) Before The Construction Of Two Hydroelectric Dams. Journal Of Fish Biology 86 (4): 1429-37.
Ribaudo, Cristina , Juliette Tison-Rosebery, Damien Buquet, Gwilherm Jan, Aurélien Jamoneau, Gwenaël Abril, Pierre Anschutz, and Vincent Bertrin. 2018. Invasive Aquatic Plants As Ecosystem Engineers In An Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake. Frontiers In Plant Science 9. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.01781.
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Riaux-Gobin, Catherine , Andrzej Witkowski, Damien Chevallier, and Genowefa Daniszewska-Kowalczyk. 2017. Two New Tursiocola Species (Bacillariophyta) Epizoic On Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) In French Guiana And Eastern Caribbean. Fottea 17 (2): 150 - 163. doi:10.5507/fot.2017.007.
Riaux-Gobin, Catherine , Matt P Ashworth, J.Patrick Kociolek, Damien Chevallier, Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Andrzej Witkowski, Genowefa Daniszewska-Kowalczyk, et al. 2021. Epizoic Diatoms On Sea Turtles And Their Relationship To Host Species, Behaviour And Biogeography: A Morphological Approach. European Journal Of Phycology 56 (4): 359 - 372. doi:10.1080/09670262.2020.1843077.
Riaux-Gobin, Catherine , Andrzej Witkowski, Patrick J. Kociolek, Luc Ector, Damien Chevallier, and Pierre Compère. 2017. New Epizoic Diatom (Bacillariophyta) Species From Sea Turtles In The Eastern Caribbean And South Pacific. Diatom Research 32 (1): 109 - 125. doi:10.1080/0269249X.2017.1299042.
Riaux-Gobin, Catherine , Andrzej Witkowski, John Patrick Kociolek, and Damien Chevallier. 2020. Navicula Dermochelycola Sp. Nov., Presumably An Exclusively Epizoic Diatom On Sea Turtles Dermochelys Coriacea And Lepidochelys Olivacea From French Guiana. Oceanological And Hydrobiological Studies 49 (2): 132 - 139. doi:10.1515/ohs-2020-0012.
Revel, Messika , Fabienne Lagarde, Hanane Perrein-Ettajani, Mélanie Bruneau, Farida Akcha, Rossana Sussarellu, Julien Rouxel, et al.. 2019. Tissue-Specific Biomarker Responses In The Blue Mussel Mytilus Spp. Exposed To A Mixture Of Microplastics At Environmentally Relevant Concentrations. Frontiers In Environmental Science 7. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00033.
Revel, Messika , Amélie Châtel, Hanane Perrein-Ettajani, Mélanie Bruneau, Farida Akcha, Rossana Sussarellu, Julien Rouxel, et al.. 2020. Realistic Environmental Exposure To Microplastics Does Not Induce Biological Effects In The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 150: 110627. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110627.
Renneville, Clémentine , Alexis Millot, Simon Agostini, David Carmignac, Gersende Maugars, Sylvie Dufour, Arnaud Le Rouzic, and Eric Edeline. 2020. Unidirectional Response To Bidirectional Selection On Body Size. I. Phenotypic, Life‐History, And Endocrine Responses. Ecology And Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.6713.
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Renault, David , Eléna Manfrini, Boris Leroy, Christophe Diagne, Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia, Elena Angulo, and Franck Courchamp. 2021. Biological Invasions In France: Alarming Costs And Even More Alarming Knowledge Gaps. Neobiota 67: 191 - 224. doi:10.3897/neobiota.67.59134.
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Reid, Philip Chris, Renata E Hari, Grégory Beaugrand, David M Livingstone, Christoph Marty, Dietmar Straile, Jonathan Barichivich, et al.. 2016. Global Impacts Of The 1980S Regime Shift. Global Change Biology 22. doi:10.1111/gcb.13106.
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Reichenbacher, Bettina , Tomáš Přikryl, Alexander F Cerwenka, Philippe Keith, Christoph Gierl, and Martin Dohrmann. 2020. Freshwater Gobies 30 Million Years Ago: New Insights Into Character Evolution And Phylogenetic Relationships Of †Pirskeniidae (Gobioidei, Teleostei). Plos One 15 (8): e0237366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237366.
Réalis-Doyelle, Emilie , Julie Schwartz, Cédric Cabau, Lorane Le Franc, Benoît Bernay, Guillaume Riviere, Christophe Klopp, and Pascal Favrel. 2021. Transcriptome Profiling Of The Pacific Oyster Visceral Ganglia Over A Reproduction Cycle Identifies Novel Regulatory Peptides.. Mar Drugs 19 (8). doi:10.3390/md19080452.
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Réalis-Doyelle, Emilie , Julie Schwartz, Cédric Cabau, Lorane Le Franc, Benoît Bernay, Guillaume Rivière, Christophe Klopp, and Pascal Favrel. 2021. Transcriptome Profiling Of The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas Visceral Ganglia Over A Reproduction Cycle Identifies Novel Regulatory Peptides. Marine Drugs 19 (8): 452. doi:10.3390/md19080452.
Raybaud, Virginie , Grégory Beaugrand, Eric Goberville, Gaspard Delebecq, Christophe Destombe, Myriam Valero, Dominique Davoult, Pascal Morin, and Francois Gevaert. 2013. Decline In Kelp In West Europe And Climate. Plos One 8.
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Ravaux, Juliette , Julia Machon, Bruce Shillito, Dominique Barthélémy, Louis Amand, Mélanie Cabral, Elise Delcour, and Magali Zbinden. 2021. Do Hydrothermal Shrimp Smell Vents?. Insects 12 (11). doi:10.3390/insects12111043.
Ravaux, Juliette , Julia Machon, Bruce Shillito, Dominique Barthélémy, Louis Amand, Mélanie Cabral, Elise Delcour, and Magali Zbinden. 2021. Do Hydrothermal Shrimp Smell Vents?. Insects 12 (11): 1043. doi:10.3390/insects12111043.
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Ravaux, Juliette , and Sébastien Duperron. 2022. La Vie En Milieu Extrême. Editions Quae.
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Ravaux, Juliette , Nelly Léger, Nicolas Rabet, Claire Fourgous, Guillaume Voland, Magali Zbinden, and Bruce Shillito. 2016. Plasticity And Acquisition Of The Thermal Tolerance (Upper Thermal Limit And Heat Shock Response) In The Intertidal Species Palaemon Elegans. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 484: 39 - 45. doi:
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Ravaux, Juliette , Nelly Léger, Gérard Hamel, and Bruce Shillito. 2019. Assessing A Species Thermal Tolerance Through A Multiparameter Approach: The Case Study Of The Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp Rimicaris Exoculata. Cell Stress And Chaperones 24 (3): 647 - 659. doi:10.1007/s12192-019-01003-0.
Ravaux, Juliette , Julia Machon, Bruce Shillito, Dominique Barthélémy, Louis Amand, Mélanie Cabral, Elise Delcour, and Magali Zbinden. 2021. Do Hydrothermal Shrimp Smell Vents? . Insects 12(11): 1043. doi:doi: 10.3390/insects12111043.
Rasconi, S , Boutheina Grami, Nathalie Niquil, Marlène Jobard, and T Sime-Ngando. 2014. Parasitic Chytrids Sustain Zooplankton Growth During Inedible Algal Bloom. Frontiers In Microbiology 5.
Rapinski, Michael , Richard Raymond, Damien Davy, Thora Herrmann, Jean-Philippe Bedell, Abdou Ka, Guillaume Odonne, et al. 2023. Local Food Systems Under Global Influence: The Case Of Food, Health And Environment In Five Socio-Ecosystems. Sustainability 15 (3): 2376. doi:10.3390/su15032376.
Raoux, A. , J.-P. Pezy, B. Ernande, Nathalie Niquil, J.-C. Dauvin, and K. Grangeré. 2020. Isotopic Analyses, A Good Tool To Validate Models In The Context Of Marine Renewable Energy Development And Cumulative Impacts. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 237. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106690.
Raoux, Aurore , Samuele Tecchio, Jean-Philippe Pezy, Géraldine Lassalle, Steven Degraer, Dan Wilhelmsson, Marie Cachera, et al.. 2017. Benthic And Fish Aggregation Inside An Offshore Wind Farm: Which Effects On The Trophic Web Functioning?. Ecological Indicators 72: 33-46. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.07.037.
Ramos-Silva, Paula , Jaap Kaandorp, Frédéric Herbst, Laurent Plasseraud, G Alcaraz, Christine Stern, Marion Corneillat, et al.. 2014. The Skeleton Of The Staghorn Coral Acropora Millepora: Molecular And Structural Characterization.. Plos One 9 (6): e97454. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0097454.
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Ramírez-Arrarte, Pedro , Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, and Fred Chu-Koo. 2014. Determinación Del Sexo En Arahuana Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum Mediante La Detección De Los Niveles Plasmáticos De Vitelogenina. Ciencia Amazónica 4 (2): 151-159. doi:10.22386/ca.v4i2.81.
Rakotomalala, C , Katell Guizien, Karine Grangeré, Sébastien Lefebvre, Christine Dupuy, and Francis Orvain. 2019. Modelling The Functioning Of A Coupled Microphytobenthic-Eps-Bacterial System In Intertidal Mudflats. Marine Environmental Research 150. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104754.
Rakotomalala, C , Karine Grangeré, Martin Ubertini, M Forêt, and Francis Orvain. 2015. Modelling The Effect Of Cerastoderma Edule Bioturbation On Microphytobenthos Resuspension Towards The Planktonic Food Web Of Estuarine Ecosystem. Ecological Modelling 316: 155-167.
Rabouille, Sophie , Douglas A Campbell, Takako Masuda, Tomas Zavřel, Gabor Bernát, Lubos Polerecky, Kimberly Halsey, et al.. 2021. Electron & Biomass Dynamics Of Cyanothece Under Interacting Nitrogen & Carbon Limitations. Frontiers In Microbiology 12. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.61780210.3389/fmicb.2021.617802.s001.