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Toussaint, A. , O. Beauchard, Thierry Oberdorff, S. Brosse, and S. Villéger. 2014. Historical Assemblage Distinctiveness And The Introduction Of Widespread Non-Native Species Explain Worldwide Change In Freshwater Fish Taxonomic Dissimilarity. Global Ecology And Biogeography 23 (5): 574-584. doi:DOI: 10.1111/geb.12141.
Fellous, Alexandre , Lorane Le Franc, Aude Jouaux, Didier Goux, Pascal Favrel, and Guillaume Rivière. 2019. Histone Methylation Participates In Gene Expression Control During The Early Development Of The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas. Genes 10 (9): 695. doi:10.3390/genes10090695.
Fellous, Alexandre , Lorane Lefranc, Aude Jouaux, Didier Goux, Pascal Favrel, and Guillaume Riviere. 2019. Histone Methylation Participates In Gene Expression Control During The Early Development Of The Pacific Oyster .. Genes (Basel) 10 (9). doi:10.3390/genes10090695.
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Davesne, Donald , Francois J Meunier, Matt Friedman, Roger BJ Benson, and Olga Otero. 2018. Histology Of The Endothermic Opah (Lampris Sp.) Suggests A New Structure Function Relationship In Teleost Fish Bone. Biology Letters 14: 20180270. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2018.0270} URL = {
Gisbert, E , C Moreira, D Castro-Ruiz, S Oztürk, C Fernández, S Gilles, Jesus Nuñez-Rodriguez, et al.. 2014. Histological Development Of The Digestive System Of The Amazonian Pimelodid Catfish Pseudoplatystoma Punctifer.. Animal 8 (11): 1765-76. doi:10.1017/S1751731114001797.
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Scaros, Alexia T, Aude Andouche, Sébastien Baratte, and Roger P Croll. 2020. Histamine And Histidine Decarboxylase In The Olfactory System And Brain Of The Common Cuttlefish Sepia Officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). Journal Of Comparative Neurology 528 (7): 1095 - 1112. doi:10.1002/cne.v528.710.1002/cne.24809.
Luquet, Gilles , Murielle Salomé, Andreas Ziegler, Céline Paris, Aline Percot, and Yannicke Dauphin. 2016. High-Resolution Structural And Elemental Analyses Of Calcium Storage Structures Synthesized By The Noble Crayfish Astacus Astacus.. J Struct Biol. doi:10.1016/j.jsb.2016.09.001.
McClanahan, T.R. , E.S. Darling, J.M. Maina, NA Muthiga, S. D'agata, J. Leblond, R. Arthur, et al. 2020. Highly Variable Taxa-Specific Coral Bleaching Responses To Thermal Stresses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 648: 135 - 151. doi:10.3354/meps13402.
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Kopp, C. , M. Pernice, I. Domart-Coulon, C. Djediat, J. E Spangenberg, D. TL Alexander, M. Hignette, Tarik Meziane, and A. Meibom. 2013. Highly Dynamic Cellular-Level Response Of Symbiotic Coral To A Sudden Increase In Environmental Nitrogenabstract. Mbio 4 (3). doi:10.1128/mBio.00052-13.
Piquet, Bérénice , Bruce Shillito, François H Lallier, Sébastien Duperron, and Ann C Andersen. 2019. High Rates Of Apoptosis Visualized In The Symbiont-Bearing Gills Of Deep-Sea Bathymodiolus Mussels. Plos One 14 (2): e0211499. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.021149910.1371.
Gubili, Chrysoula , Robert Schabetsberger, Christine Poellabauer, Becky Bates, Rosa M Wagstaff, Lewis M Woodward, Ursula Sichrowsky, et al. 2019. High Genetic Diversity And Lack Of Pronounced Population Structure In Five Species Of Sympatric Pacific Eels. Fisheries Management And Ecology 26: 31-41. doi:10.1111/fme.12287.
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Siegwalt, Flora , Simon Benhamou, Marc Girondot, Lorène Jeantet, Jordan Martin, Marc Bonola, Pierre Lelong, et al.. 2020. High Fidelity Of Sea Turtles To Their Foraging Grounds Revealed By Satellite Tracking And Capture-Mark-Recapture: New Insights For The Establishment Of Key Marine Conservation Areas. Biological Conservation 250: 108742. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108742.
Japaud, Aurélien , Claude Bouchon, Jean-Lou Manceau, and Cécile Fauvelot. 2015. High Clonality In Acropora Palmata And Acropora Cervicornis Populations Of Guadeloupe, French Lesser Antilles. . Marine And Freshwater Research 66 (9): 847-851.
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Diagne, Christophe , Boris Leroy, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Rodolphe E Gozlan, David Roiz, Ivan Jarić, Jean-Michel Salles, Corey JA Bradshaw, and Franck Courchamp. 2021. High And Rising Economic Costs Of Biological Invasions Worldwide. Nature 592 (7855): 571 - 576. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03405-6.
Ysnel, Frédéric , Loïs Morel, Pierre DEVOGEL, Thomas ALTHERR, Sébastien Dugravot, Régis MOREL, and Jean-François LEBAS. 2020. Hiérarchisation De La Valeur De Préservation Des Oiseaux Nicheurs À Enjeux : Application D’un Indice Intégrateur Pour Le Département D’ille-Et-Vilaine. Naturae (13). doi:10.5852/naturae2020a13.
Le Pabic, C , Didier Goux, Maryline Guillamin, Georges Safi, Jean-Marc Lebel, Siméoni Koueta-Noussithé, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. Hemocyte Morphology And Phagocytic Activity In The Common Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis).. Fish Shellfish Immunol 40 (2): 362-73. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2014.07.020.
Chambault, Philippine , Lucie Giraudou, Benoît de Thoisy, Marc Bonola, Laurent Kelle, Virginie Dos Reis, Fabian Blanchard, Yvon Le Maho, and Damien Chevallier. 2017. Habitat Use And Diving Behaviour Of Gravid Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Under Riverine Conditions In French Guiana. Journal Of Marine Systems 165: 115 - 123. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.10.005.
Chambault, Philippine , Fabien Roquet, Simon Benhamou, Alberto Baudena, Etienne Pauthenet, Benoît de Thoisy, Marc Bonola, et al.. 2017. The Gulf Stream Frontal System: A Key Oceanographic Feature In The Habitat Selection Of The Leatherback Turtle?. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 123: 35 - 47. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2017.03.003.
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Datry, Thibault , Roland Corti, Barbara Belletti, and Hervé Piégay. 2014. Ground-Dwelling Arthropod Community Across Braided Landscape Mosaics: A Mediterraen Perspective. Freshwater Biology 59: 1308-1322. doi:10.1111/fwb.12350.
Cotovicz, Luiz C, Renato P Ribeiro, Carolina Ramos Régis, Marcelo Bernardes, Rodrigo Sobrinho, Luciana Oliveira Vidal, Daniel Tremmel, Bastiaan A Knoppers, and Gwenaël Abril. 2021. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Co2 And Ch4) And Inorganic Carbon Behavior In An Urban Highly Polluted Tropical Coastal Lagoon (Se, Brazil). Environmental Science And Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-021-13362-2.
Maugars, G. , J. Pasquier, C. Atkinson, A.-G. Lafont, A. Campo, Nedia Kamech, B. Lefranc, J. Leprince, Sylvie Dufour, and K. Rousseau. 2020. Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Hormone In Teleosts: New Insights From A Basal Representative, The Eel. General And Comparative Endocrinology 287: 113350. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2019.113350.
Broquard, Coralie , Suwansa-Ard Saowaros, Mélanie Lepoittevin, Lionel Degremont, Jean-Baptiste Lamy, Benjamin Morga, Abigail Elizur, and Anne-Sophie Martinez. 2021. Gonadal Transcriptomes Associated With Sex Phenotypes Provide Potential Male And Female Candidate Genes Of Sex Determination Or Early Differentiation In Crassostrea Gigas, A Sequential Hermaphrodite Mollusc.. Bmc Genomics 22 (1): 609. doi:10.1186/s12864-021-07838-1.
Baillon, Lucie , Jennifer Oses, Fabien Pierron, Sarah Bureau du Colombier, Antoine Caron, Eric Normandeau, Patrick Lambert, et al. 2015. Gonadal Transcriptome Analysis Of Wild Contaminated Female European Eels During Artificial Gonad Maturation.. Chemosphere 139: 303-309. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.06.007.
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Bony, S. , M. Labeille, E. Lefrancois, P. Noury, J.M. Olivier, R. Santos, Nils Teichert, A. Besnard, and A. Devaux. 2023. The Goby Fish Sicydium Spp. As Valuable Sentinel Species Towards The Chemical Stress In Freshwater Bodies Of West Indies. Aquatic Toxicology 261: 106623. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106623.
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Louppe, Vivien , Boris Leroy, Anthony Herrel, and Géraldine Veron. 2020. The Globally Invasive Small Indian Mongoose Urva Auropunctata Is Likely To Spread With Climate Changeabstract. Scientific Reports 10 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64502-6.
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Weiss, Steven J, Duarte V Gonçalves, Giulia Secci-Petretto, Gernot K Englmaier, André Gomes-Dos-Santos, Gaël Denys, Henri Persat, et al.. 2021. Global Systematic Diversity, Range Distributions, Conservation And Taxonomic Assessments Of Graylings (Teleostei: Salmonidae; Thymallus Spp.)Abstract. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 21 (1): 25 - 42. doi:10.1007/s13127-020-00468-7.
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Bellard, Céline , Jean-François Rysman, Boris Leroy, C Claud, and Georgina M Mace. 2017. A Global Picture Of Biological Invasion Threat On Islands.. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (12): 1862-1869. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0365-6.
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Dias, Murilo S, Thierry Oberdorff, Bernard Hugueny, Fabien Leprieur, Céline Jézéquel, Jean-François Cornu, Sébastien Brosse, Gael Grenouillet, and Pablo Tedesco. 2014. Global Imprint Of Historical Connectivity On Freshwater Fish Biodiversity.. Ecol Lett 17 (9): 1130-40. doi:10.1111/ele.12319.
Reid, Philip Chris, Renata E Hari, Grégory Beaugrand, David M Livingstone, Christoph Marty, Dietmar Straile, Jonathan Barichivich, et al.. 2016. Global Impacts Of The 1980S Regime Shift. Global Change Biology 22. doi:10.1111/gcb.13106.
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Chalant, Anaïs , Céline Jézéquel, Philippe Keith, and Bernard Hugueny. 2019. The Global Geography Of Fish Diadromy Modes. Global Ecology And Biogeography. doi:DOI: 10.1111/geb.12931.
Pelayo-Villamil, Patricia , Castor Guisande, Richard P Vari, Ana Manjarrez-Hernández, Emilio Garcia-Rosello, Jacinto Gonzalez-Dacosta, Jurgen Heine, et al.. 2015. Global Diversity Patterns Of Freshwater Fishes - Potential Victims Of Their Own Success. Diversity And Distributions 21: 345–356. doi:10.1111/ddi.12271.
Leroy, Boris , Murilo S Dias, Emilien Giraud, Bernard Hugueny, Céline Jézéquel, Fabien Leprieur, Thierry Oberdorff, and Pablo Tedesco. 2019. Global Biogeographical Regions Of Freshwater Fish Species. Journal Of Biogeography 46 (11): 2407 - 2419. doi:10.1111/jbi.13674.
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Clark, Bethany L, Ana PB Carneiro, Elisabeth J Pearmain, Marie-Morgane Rouyer, , Clara Péron, and al .. 2023. Global Assessment Of Marine Plastic Exposure Risk For Oceanic Birds. Nature Communications 14 (3665). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-38900-z.
Keith, Philippe , Marion Mennesson, S Sauri, Frédéric Busson, Erwan Delrieu-Trottin, G Limmon, T Sukomono, et al.. 2020. Giuris (Teleostei: Eleotridae) From Indonesia, With Description Of A New Species. Cybium 44 (4): 331-349.
Apremont, Vincent , Marie-Anne Cambon-Bonavita, Valérie Cueff-Gauchard, David François, Florence Pradillon, Laure Corbari, and Magali Zbinden. 2018. Gill Chamber And Gut Microbial Communities Of The Hydrothermal Shrimp Rimicaris Chacei Williams And Rona 1986: A Possible Symbiosis. Plos One 13 (11): e0206084. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206084.
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Rivière, Guillaume , Christophe Klopp, Nabihoudine Ibouniyamine, Arnaud Huvet, Pierre Boudry, and Pascal Favrel. 2015. Gigaton: An Extensive Publicly Searchable Database Providing A New Reference Transcriptome In The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas.. Bmc Bioinformatics 16: 401. doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0833-4.
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Hubert, Nicolas , Agnès Dettai, Patrice Pruvost, Corinne Cruaud, Michel Kulbicki, Robert F Myers, and Philippe Borsa. 2017. Geography And Life History Traits Account For The Accumulation Of Cryptic Diversity Among Indo-West Pacific Coral Reef Fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 583: 179–193.
Fournier, Jérôme . 2015. Géographie Et Écologie Du Paysage. In Pour Une Géographie De La Conservation: Biodiversités, Natures Et Sociétés, Raphaël Mathévet, Laurent Godet. Paris: L'Harmattan.
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Pouilly, Marc , David Point, Francis Sondag, Manuel Henry, and Roberto V Santos. 2014. Geographical Origin Of Amazonian Freshwater Fishes Fingerprinted By ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr Ratios On Fish Otoliths And Scales.. Environ Sci Technol 48 (16): 8980-7. doi:10.1021/es500071w.