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Levallois, Alexandre , Christelle Caplat, Olivier Basuyaux, Jean-Marc Lebel, Antoine Laisney, Katherine Costil, and Antoine Serpentini. 2022. Effects Of Chronic Exposure Of Metals Released From The Dissolution Of An Aluminium Galvanic Anode On The Pacific Oyster Crassostrea Gigas. Aquatic Toxicology Volume 249. doi:
Jeantet, Lorène , Vadym Hadetskyi, Vincent Vigon, François Korysko, Nicolas Paranthoen, and Damien Chevallier. 2022. Estimation Of The Maternal Investment Of Sea Turtles By Automatic Identification Of Nesting Behavior And Number Of Eggs Laid From A Tri-Axial Accelerometer. Animals 12 (4): 520. doi:10.3390/ani12040520.
Teichert, Nils , Anne Lizé, Hélène Tabouret, Jean-Marc Roussel, Gilles Bareille, Thomas Trancart, Anthony Acou, et al.. 2022. European Flounder Foraging Movements In An Estuarine Nursery Seascape Inferred From Otolith Microchemistry And Stable Isotopes. Marine Environmental Research 182: 105797. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2022.105797.
Ternon, Quentin , Antoine Collin, Eric Feunteun, Frédéric Ysnel, Valentin Danet, Manon Guillaume, and Pierre Thiriet. 2022. European Spatial Data For Coastal And Marine Remote Sensinglocal Circalittoral Rocky Seascape Structuring Fish Community: Insights From A Photogrammetric Approach. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16213-810.1007/978-3-031-16213-8_16.
de Mazancourt, Valentin , Torsten Wappler, and Sonja Wedmann. 2022. Exceptional Preservation Of Internal Organs In A New Fossil Species Of Freshwater Shrimp (Caridea: Palaemonoidea) From The Eocene Of Messel (Germany). Scientific Reports 12 (18114): 1-12. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-23125-9.
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Ben Lamine, Emna , Alexandre Schickele, Eric Goberville, Grégory Beaugrand, Denis Allemand, and Virginie Raybaud. 2022. Expected Contraction In The Distribution Ranges Of Demersal Fish Of High Economic Value In The Mediterranean And European Seasabstract. Scientific Reports 12 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-14151-8.
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Roost, Thibaut , Jo-Ann Schies, Marc Girondot, Jean-Patrice Robin, Pierre Lelong, Jordan Martin, Flora Siegwalt, et al. 2022. Fibropapillomatosis Prevalence And Distribution In Immature Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) In Martinique Island (Lesser Antilles). Ecohealth. doi:10.1007/s10393-022-01601-y.
Delord, K. , Timothée Poupart, Nicolas Gasco, H. Weimerskirch, and Christophe Barbraud. 2022. First Evidence Of Migration Across The South Pacific In Endangered Amsterdam Albatross And Conservation Implications. Marine Policy 136: 104921. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104921.
Charrier, Isabelle , Lorène Jeantet, Léo Maucourt, Sidney Régis, Nicolas Lecerf, Abdelwahab Benhalilou, and Damien Chevallier. 2022. First Evidence Of Underwater Vocalizations In Green Sea Turtles Chelonia Mydas. Endangered Species Research 48: 31 - 41. doi:10.3354/esr01185.
Haÿ, Vincent , Charpin Nicolas, Philippe Keith, Clara Lord, and Marion Mennesson. 2022. First Record Of Hippichthys Albomaculosus Jenkins & Mailautoka, 2010 (Syngnathidae) In New Caledonia. Cybium, 46(1): 53-55.. Cybium 46 (1): 53-55.
Siegwalt, Flora , Lorène Jeantet, Pierre Lelong, Jordan Martin, Marc Girondot, Paco Bustamante, Abdelwahab Benhalilou, et al.. 2022. Food Selection And Habitat Use Patterns Of Immature Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) On Caribbean Seagrass Beds Dominated By The Alien Species Halophila Stipulacea. Global Ecology And Conservation 37: e02169. doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02169.
Morel, Loïs , Vincent Jung, Simon Chollet, Frédéric Ysnel, and Lou Barbe. 2022. From Taxonomic To Functional Dark Diversity: Exploring The Causes Of Potential Biodiversity And Its Implications For Conservation. Journal Of Applied Ecology 59 (1): 103 - 116. doi:10.1111/jpe.v59.110.1111/1365-2664.14033.
Auber, Arnaud , Conor Waldock, Anthony Maire, Eric Goberville, Camille Albouy, Adam C Algar, Matthew McLean, et al. 2022. A Functional Vulnerability Framework For Biodiversity Conservation. Nature Communications 13: 4774. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-32331-y.
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Haubrock, Phillip J, Ross N Cuthbert, Emma J Hudgins, Robert Crystal-Ornelas, Melina Kourantidou, Desika Moodley, Chunlong Liu, Anna J Turbelin, Boris Leroy, and Franck Courchamp. 2022. Geographic And Taxonomic Trends Of Rising Biological Invasion Costs. Science Of The Total Environment 817: 152948. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.152948.
Van der Meij, Sancia ET, Henrique Bravo, Yun JH Scholten, and Charlotte R Dromard. 2022. Host Use Of The Elkorn Coral Crab Domecia Acanthophora (Brachyura : Domeciidae), With A Phylogeny Of The Genus. Cahier De Biologie Marine 63 (3): 239-246.
Zatylny-Gaudin, Céline , Erwan Corre, Bruno Zanuttini, Maxime Endress, Benoît Bernay, Julien Pontin, Alexandre Leduc, and Joël Henry. 2022. Identification Of A New Set Of Polypeptidic Sex Pheromones From Cuttlefish (Sepia Officinalis). Marine Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s10126-022-10126-y.
Koua, N’Zi Daniel, Joël Henry, Erwan Corre, Julien Pontin, Benoît Bernay, and Jesús Núñez-Rodríguez. 2022. Immuno-Enzymatic And Proteomic Approaches For Sexing The African Bonytongue (Heterotis Niloticus Cuvier, 1829). Fishes 7 (3): 106. doi:10.3390/fishes7030106.
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Amelot, Morgane , Floriane Plard, Christophe Guinet, John PY Arnould, Nicolas Gasco, and Paul Tixier. 2022. Increasing Numbers Of Killer Whale Individuals Use Fisheries As Feeding Opportunities Within Subantarctic Populations. Biology Letters 18 (2). doi:10.1098/rsbl.2021.0328.
Albert, Luana , Frédéric Olivier, Aurélie Jolivet, Laurent Chauvaud, and Sylvain Chauvaud. 2022. Insights Into The Behavioural Responses Of Juvenile Thornback Ray. Journal Of Fish Biology. doi:10.1111/jfb.14978.
Gierl, Christoph , Martin Dohrmann, Philippe Keith, William Humphreys, Hamid R Esmaeili, Jasna Vukić, Radek Šanda, and Bettina Reichenbacher. 2022. An Integrative Phylogenetic Approach For Inferring Relationships Of Fossil Gobioids. Plos One 17 (7): e0271121. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0271121.
Georges, Marine , Amel Bourguiba, Mohamed Boutouil, Daniel Chateigner, Orianne Jolly, and Pascal Claquin. 2022. Interaction Between The Diatom Cylindrotheca Closterium And A Siliceous Mortar In A Silica-Limited Environment. Construction And Building Materials 321: 126277. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.126277.
Poppeschi, Coline , Guillaume Charria, Anne Daniel, Romaric Verney, Peggy Rimmelin-Maury, Michaël Retho, Eric Goberville, Emilie Grossteffan, and Martin Plus. 2022. Interannual Variability Of The Initiation Of The Phytoplankton Growing Period In Two French Coastal Ecosystems. Biogeosciences 19: 5667–5687. doi:10.5194/bg-19-5667-2022.
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Praveenraj, Jayasimhan , Rajendran Kiruba‐Sankar, Kandasamy Saravanan, Tejas Thackeray, Pratima Singh, John Daniel Mar Knight, and Philippe Keith. 2022. Sicyopterus Garra Hora, 1925, A Valid Species Of Sicydiine Goby From The Andaman Islands, India. Journal Of Fish Biology 101 (5): 1189 - 1198. doi:10.1111/jfb.v101.510.1111/jfb.15189.
Haubrock, Phillip J, Camille Bernery, Ross N Cuthbert, Chunlong Liu, Melina Kourantidou, Boris Leroy, Anna J Turbelin, et al. 2022. Knowledge Gaps In Economic Costs Of Invasive Alien Fish Worldwide. Science Of The Total Environment 803: 149875. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149875.
Ravaux, Juliette , and Sébastien Duperron. 2022. La Vie En Milieu Extrême. Editions Quae.
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Fernández, Jorge Mondéjar, François J Meunier, Richard Cloutier, Gaël Clément, and Michel Laurin. 2022. Life History And Ossification Patterns In Miguashaia Bureaui Reveal The Early Evolution Of Osteogenesis In Coelacanths. Peerj 10: e13175. doi:10.7717/peerj.1317510.37473/fic/10.7717/peerj.13175.
Barroso, Glenda C, Gwenaël Abril, Wilson Machado, Rodrigo C Abuchacra, Roberta B Peixoto, Marcelo Bernardes, Gabriela S Marques, et al.. 2022. Linking Eutrophication To Carbon Dioxide And Methane Emissions From Exposed Mangrove Soils Along An Urban Gradient. Science Of The Total Environment 850: 157988. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157988.
Giraud-Renard, Eléa , Franck Dolique, Antoine Collin, Dorothée James, Emma Gairin, Marine Courteille, Océane Beaufort, et al.. 2022. Long-Term Evolution Of The Guadeloupean Shoreline (1950–2017). Journal Of Coastal Research 38 (5). doi:10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-21-00161.1.
Cotté, C. , A. Ariza, A. Berne, J. Habasque, A. Lebourges-Dhaussy, G. Roudaut, B. Espinasse, et al.. 2022. Macrozooplankton And Micronekton Diversity And Associated Carbon Vertical Patterns And Fluxes Under Distinct Productive Conditions Around The Kerguelen Islands. Journal Of Marine Systems 226: 103650. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2021.103650.
Ahmed, Danish A, Emma J Hudgins, Ross N Cuthbert, Melina Kourantidou, Christophe Diagne, Phillip J Haubrock, Brian Leung, et al. 2022. Managing Biological Invasions: The Cost Of Inaction. Biological Invasions 24 (7): 1927 - 1946. doi:10.1007/s10530-022-02755-0.
Fiard, Maud , Philippe Cuny, Léa Sylvi, Cédric Hubas, Ronan Jézéquel, Dominique Lamy, Romain Walcker, et al.. 2022. Mangrove Microbiota Along The Urban-To-Rural Gradient Of The Cayenne Estuary (French Guiana, South America): Drivers And Potential Bioindicators. Science Of The Total Environment 807: 150667. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150667.
Morera‐Pujol, Virginia , Paulo Catry, Maria Magalhães, Clara Péron, José Manuel Reyes‐González, José Pedro Granadeiro, Teresa Militão, et al.. 2022. Methods To Detect Spatial Biases In Tracking Studies Caused By Differential Representativeness Of Individuals, Populations And Time. Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13642.
Bourgeaux, Jacques , Nils Teichert, Jean-Marc Gillier, Valentin Danet, Eric Feunteun, Anthony Acou, Fabien Charrier, Virgile Mazel, Alexandre Carpentier, and Thomas Trancart. 2022. Modelling Past Migrations To Determine Efficient Management Rules Favouring Silver Eel Escapement From A Large Regulated Floodplain Lake. Journal For Nature Conservation 67: 126192. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2022.126192.
Bisch, Amaëlle , Sophie AM Elliott, Alexandre Carpentier, and Anthony Acou. 2022. Modelling The Distribution Of Vulnerable Skate From Fisheries Dependent Data Using Imperfect Detection. Progress In Oceanography 206: 102859. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102859.
Teichert, Nils , Anne Lizé, Hélène Tabouret, Claudia Gérard, Gilles Bareille, Anthony Acou, Alexandre Carpentier, et al.. 2022. A Multi-Approach Study To Reveal Eel Life-History Traits In An Obstructed Catchment Before Dam Removal. Hydrobiologia. doi:10.1007/s10750-022-04833-9.
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Brégeon, Mégane , Daniel Tomas, Benoît Bernay, Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Sonia Georgeault, Valérie Labas, Sophie Réhault-Godbert, and Nicolas Guyot. 2022. Multifaceted Roles Of The Egg Perivitelline Layer In Avian Reproduction: Functional Insights From The Proteomes Of Chicken Egg Inner And Outer Sublayers. Journal Of Proteomics 258: 104489. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2022.104489.
Sheerin, Edel , Leigh Barnwall, Esther Abad, Angela Larivain, Daniel Oesterwind, Michael Petroni, Catalina Perales-Raya, et al. 2022. Multi-Method Approach Shows Stock Structure In Loligo Forbesii Squid. Ices Journal Of Marine Science. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsac039.
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Breton, Elsa , Eric Goberville, Benoit Sautour, Anis Ouadi, Dimitra-Ioli Skouroliakou, Laurent Seuront, Grégory Beaugrand, et al.. 2022. Multiple Phytoplankton Community Responses To Environmental Change In A Temperate Coastal System: A Trait-Based Approach. Frontiers In Marine Science 9. doi:
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Woods, Briannyn , Rowan Trebilco, Andrea Walters, Mark Hindell, Guy Duhamel, Hauke Flores, Masato Moteki, et al. 2022. Myctobase, A Circumpolar Database Of Mesopelagic Fishes For New Insights Into Deep Pelagic Prey Fields. Scientific Data 9 (1). doi:10.1038/s41597-022-01496-y.
Maugars, Gersende , Xavier Mauvois, Patrick Martin, Karine Rousseau, Salima Aroua, and Sylvie Dufour. 2022. New Insights Into The Evolution Of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Family With A Special Focus On Teleosts. Frontiers In Endocrinology 13: 937218. doi:Doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.937218.
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Cambrone, Christopher , Sébastien Motreuil, Francis O Reyes, Miguel A Landestoy, Frank Cézilly, and Etienne Bezault. 2022. Obtaining Dna Samples From Sensitive And Endangered Bird Species: A Comparison Of Saliva And Blood Samples. Ardeola 69 (2). doi:10.13157/arla.69.2.2022.sc110.13157/arla.69.2.2022.sc1.s110.13157/arla.69.2.2022.sc1.s2.
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Rabouille, Sophie , Lauralie Tournier, Solange Duhamel, Pascal Claquin, Olivier Crispi, Amélie Talec, Angela Landolfi, and Andreas Oschlies. 2022. Organic Phosphorus Scavenging Supports Efficient Growth Of Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria Under Phosphate Depletiondata_Sheet_1.Docx. Frontiers In Microbiology 13. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2022.84864710.3389/fmicb.2022.848647.s001.
Madon, Bénédicte , Damien Le Guyader, Jean-Luc Jung, Benjamin de Montgolfier, Pascal Jean Lopez, Eric Foulquier, Laurent Bouveret, and Iwan Le Berre. 2022. Pairing Ais Data And Underwater Topography To Assess Maritime Traffic Pressures On Cetaceans: Case Study In The Guadeloupean Waters Of The Agoa Sanctuary. Marine Policy 143: 105160. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105160.
Jézéquel, Youenn , Delphine Mathias, Frédéric Olivier, Erwan Amice, Sylvain Chauvaud, Aurélie Jolivet, Julien Bonnel, Mikael K Sejr, and Laurent Chauvaud. 2022. Passive Acoustics Suggest Two Different Feeding Mechanisms In The Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus Rosmarus Rosmarus). Polar Biology. doi:10.1007/s00300-022-03055-y.
Göpel, Anika , Daniel Oesterwind, Christopher Barrett, Rita Cannas, Luis Silva Caparro, Pierluigi Carbonara, Marilena Donnaloia, et al.. 2022. Phylogeography Of The Veined Squid, Loligo Forbesii, In European Watersabstract. Scientific Reports 12 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-11530-z.
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Trancart, Thomas , Nils Teichert, Jézabel Lamoureux, Elouana Gharnit, Anthony Acou, Eric de Oliveira, Romain Roy, and Eric Feunteun. 2022. A Possible Strong Impact Of Tidal Power Plant On Silver Eels’ Migration. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 278: 108116. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2022.108116.
Le Marchand, M. , Ben Rais F. Lasram, E. Araignous, B. Saint-Béat, G. Lassalle, N. Michelet, S. Serre, et al.. 2022. Potential Combined Impacts Of Climate Change And Non-Indigenous Species Arrivals On Bay Of Biscay Trophic Network Structure And Functioning. Journal Of Marine Systems 228: 103704. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2022.103704.
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Goberville, Eric . 2022. Preventing Misuse Of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data. Peer Community In Ecology. doi:10.24072/pci.ecology.100102.
Androuin, Thibault , Pierrick Barbier, Martin Foret, Tarik Meziane, Mathilde Thomas, Philippe Archambault, Gesche Winkler, Rejean Tremblay, and Frédéric Olivier. 2022. Pull The Trigger: Interplay Between Benthic And Pelagic Cues Driving The Early Recruitment Of A Natural Bivalve Assemblage. Ecosphere 13 (1). doi:10.1002/ecs2.v13.110.1002/ecs2.3672.