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Moynihan, Molly A, Pierrick Barbier, Frédéric Olivier, Nicolas Toupoint, and Tarik Meziane. 2016. Spatial And Temporal Dynamics Of Nano- And Pico-Size Particulate Organic Matter (Pom) In A Coastal Megatidal Marine System. Limnology And Oceanography 61 (3): 1087-1100. doi:10.1002/lno.10276.
Mottier, Antoine , Antoine Serpentini, Lorna Dallas, Adèle James, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Katherine Costil. 2020. In Vitro Effects Of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides And Related Adjuvants On Primary Culture Of Hemocytes From Haliotis Tuberculata. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 100: 1 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2020.02.058.
Mottier, Antoine , Antoine Serpentini, Lorna Dallas, Adèle James, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Katherine Costil. 2020. In Vitro Effects Of Glyphosate-Based Herbicides And Related Adjuvants On Primary Culture Of Hemocytes From Haliotis Tuberculata. Fish And Shellfish Immunology. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2020.02.058.
Mottier, A , Valérie Kientz-Bouchart, Christelle Dubreule, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Katherine Costil. 2014. Effects Of Acute Exposures To Mecoprop, Mecoprop-P And Their Biodegradation Product (2-Mcp) On The Larval Stages Of The Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas.. Aquat Toxicol 146: 165-75. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.11.008.
PDF icon Mottier et al. 2014 Mecoprop.pdf (1.82 MB)
Mottier, A , Alexis Séguin, Alexandre Devos, C Le Pabic, C Voiseux, Jean-Marc Lebel, Antoine Serpentini, B Fievet, and Katherine Costil. 2015. Effects Of Subchronic Exposure To Glyphosate In Juvenile Oysters (Crassostrea Gigas): From Molecular To Individual Levels.. Mar Pollut Bull. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.10.026.
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Mortillaro, Jean-Michel , C Passarelli, Gwenaël Abril, Cédric Hubas, Luis Felipe Artigas, Marc F Benedetti, Najet Thiney, et al.. 2016. The Fate Of C4 And C3 Macrophyte Carbon In Central Amazon Floodplain Waters: Insights From A Batch Experiment. Limnologica - Ecology And Management Of Inland Waters 59: 90-98. doi:doi:10.1016/j.limno.2016.03.008.
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Mortillaro, Jean-Michel , Marc Pouilly, M Wach, Carlos EC Freitas, Gwenaël Abril, and Tarik Meziane. 2015. Trophic Opportunism Of Central Amazon Floodplain Fish. Freshwater Biology 60: 1659–1670.
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Morris, J P, S Thatje, Juliette Ravaux, Bruce Shillito, D Fernando, and C Hauton. 2015. Acute Combined Pressure And Temperature Exposures On A Shallow-Water Crustacean: Novel Insights Into The Stress Response And High Pressure Neurological Syndrome.. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 181: 9-17. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2014.10.028.
Morris, J. P, S. Thatje, D. Cottin, A. Oliphant, A. Brown, Bruce Shillito, Juliette Ravaux, and C. Hauton. 2015. The Potential For Climate-Driven Bathymetric Range Shifts: Sustained Temperature And Pressure Exposures On A Marine Ectotherm, Palaemonetes Varians. Royal Society Open Science 2 (11): 150472. doi:10.1098/rsos.150472.
Morris, J. P, S. Thatje, Juliette Ravaux, Bruce Shillito, and C. Hauton. 2015. Characterising Multi-Level Effects Of Acute Pressure Exposure On A Shallow-Water Invertebrate: Insights Into The Kinetics And Hierarchy Of The Stress Response. Journal Of Experimental Biology 218 (16): 2594 - 2602. doi:10.1242/jeb.125914.
Morini, Marina , David S Penaranda, M C Vílchez, Helge Tveiten, Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Sylvie Dufour, L Pérez, and J F Asturiano. 2017. The Expression Of Nuclear And Membrane Estradiol Receptors In The European Eel Throughout Spermatogenesis.. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, Part A 203: 91-99.
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Morini, Marina , Christina A Bergqvist, Juan F Asturiano, Dan Larhammar, and Sylvie Dufour. 2022. Dynamic Evolution Of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid (Trpv) Ion Channel Family With Numerous Gene Duplications And Losses. Frontiers In Endocrinology 13. doi:10.3389/fendo.2022.1013868.
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Morini, M. , A. G Lafont, G. Maugars, S. Baloche, Sylvie Dufour, J. F Asturiano, and L. Pérez. 2020. Identification And Stable Expression Of Vitellogenin Receptor Through Vitellogenesis In The European Eel. Animal 14 (6): 1213 - 1222. doi:10.1017/S1751731119003355.
Morini, Marina , Jérémy Pasquier, Ron Dirks, Guido van den Thillart, Jonna Tomkiewicz, Karine Rousseau, Sylvie Dufour, and Anne-Gaelle Lafont. 2015. Duplicated Leptin Receptors In Two Species Of Eel Bring New Insights Into The Evolution Of The Leptin System In Vertebrates.. Plos One 10 (5): e0126008. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126008.
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Morini, Marina , David S Penaranda, M C Vílchez, R Nourizadeh-Lillabadi, Anne-Gaelle Lafont, Sylvie Dufour, J F Asturiano, Finn-Arne Weltzien, and Luz Perez. 2017. Nuclear And Membrane Progestin Receptors In The European Eel: Characterization And Expression In Vivo Through Spermatogenesis. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology, Part A 207: 79-92.
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Morera‐Pujol, Virginia , Paulo Catry, Maria Magalhães, Clara Péron, José Manuel Reyes‐González, José Pedro Granadeiro, Teresa Militão, et al.. 2022. Methods To Detect Spatial Biases In Tracking Studies Caused By Differential Representativeness Of Individuals, Populations And Time. Diversity And Distributions. doi:10.1111/ddi.13642.
Morelle, Jérôme , Pascal Claquin, and Francis Orvain. 2020. Evidence For Better Microphytobenthos Dynamics In Mixed Sand/Mud Zones Than In Pure Sand Or Mud Intertidal Flats (Seine Estuary, Normandy, France). Plos One 15 (8): e0237211. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237211.
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Morelle, Jérôme , Mathilde Schapira, Francis Orvain, Philippe Riou, Pascal Jean Lopez, Olivier Duplessix, Emilie Rabiller, Franc Maheux, Benjamin Simon, and Pascal Claquin. 2018. Annual Phytoplankton Primary Production Estimation In A Temperate Estuary By Coupling Pam And Carbon Incorporation Methods. Estuaries And Coasts.
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Morelle, Jérôme , Mathilde Schapira, Sylvaine Françoise, Courtay Gaëlle, Francis Orvain, and Pascal Claquin. 2018. Dynamics Of Exopolymeric Carbon Pools In Relation With Phytoplankton Succession Along The Salinity Gradient Of A Temperate Estuary (France). Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 209: 18-29.
Morelle, Jérôme , Francis Orvain, and Pascal Claquin. 2018. A Simple, User Friendly Tool To Readjust Raw Pam Data From Field Measurements To Avoid Over- Or Underestimating Of Microphytobenthos Photosynthetic Parameters. Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 503: 136-146. doi:
Morelle, Jérôme , and Pascal Claquin. 2018. Electron Requirements For Carbon Incorporation Along A Diel Light Cycle In Three Marine Diatom Species. Photosynthesis Research: 1-14. doi:
Morel, Loïs , Lou Barbe, Vincent Jung, Bernard Clément, Annik Schnitzler, and Frédéric Ysnel. 2019. Examples Of Understory Plant Communities Observed In Post‐Agricultural Recent Woodlands And Uninterrupted Ancient Forests. Bulletin Of The Ecological Society Of America 101 (1): e01634.
Morel, Loïs , Lou Barbe, Vincent Jung, Bernard Clément, Annik Schnitzler, and Frédéric Ysnel. 2020. Passive Rewilding May (Also) Restore Phylogenetically Rich And Functionally Resilient Forest Plant Communities.. Ecol Appl 30 (1): e02007. doi:10.1002/eap.2007.
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Morel, Loïs , Benoît Dujol, Cyril Courtial, Manon Vasseur, Boris Leroy, and Frédéric Ysnel. 2019. Spontaneous Recovery Of Functional Diversity And Rarity Of Ground-Living Spiders Shed Light On The Conservation Importance Of Recent Woodlands. Biodiversity And Conservation 28 (3): 687 - 709. doi:10.1007/s10531-018-01687-3.
Morel, Loïs , Vincent Jung, Simon Chollet, Frédéric Ysnel, and Lou Barbe. 2022. From Taxonomic To Functional Dark Diversity: Exploring The Causes Of Potential Biodiversity And Its Implications For Conservation. Journal Of Applied Ecology 59 (1): 103 - 116. doi:10.1111/jpe.v59.110.1111/1365-2664.14033.
Moreau, S. , C. Péron, K. A Pitt, R. M Connolly, S. Y Lee, and Tarik Meziane. 2008. Opportunistic Predation By Small Fishes On Epibiota Of Jetty Pilings In Urban Waterways. Journal Of Fish Biology 72 (1): 205 - 217. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01705.x.
Monti, Dominique , Cédric Hubas, Xavier Lourenço, Farid Begarin, Alexandre Haouisée, Laurence Romana, Estelle Lefrançois, et al.. 2020. Physical Properties Of Epilithic River Biofilm As A New Lead To Perform Pollution Bioassessments In Overseas Territories. Scientific Reports 10 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-73948-7.
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Monti, Dominique , F Lefrançois, Clara Lord, Jean-Michel Mortillaro, Pascal Jean Lopez, and Philippe Keith. 2018. Selectivity On Epilithic Diatom Consumption For Two Tropical Sympatric Gobies: Sicydium Punctatum (Perugia 1986) And Sicydium Plumieri (Bloch 1786). Cybium 42 (4): 365-373.
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Momigliano, Paolo , Gaël PJ DENYS, Henri Jokinen, and Juha Merilä. 2018. Platichthys Solemdali Sp. Nov. (Actinopterygii, Pleuronectiformes): A New Flounder Species From The Baltic Seaimage_1.Tiftable_1.Docx. Frontiers In Marine Science 5. doi:10.3389/fmars.2018.0022510.3389/fmars.2018.00225.s00110.3389/fmars.2018.00225.s002.
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Molnar, Nathalie , David T Welsh, Cyril Marchand, Jonathan Deborde, and Tarik Meziane. 2013. Impacts Of Shrimp Farm Effluent On Water Quality, Benthic Metabolism And N-Dynamics In A Mangrove Forest (New Caledonia). Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 117: 12 - 21. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.07.012.
Molina, Carlos I, Xavier Lazzaro, S Guédron, and Darío Achá. 2017. Pollution At Cohana Bay, Lake Titicaca (Bolivia): Challenges And Opportunities To Promote Its Recovery. Ecología En Bolivia 52 (2): 65-76.
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Moleana, Thibaud , Luc Della-Patrona, Tarik Meziane, and Yves Letourneur. 2016. First Record Of Siganus Randalli (Teleost, Siganidae) In New Caledonia, And Comments On Its Diet. Marine Biodiversity Records 9 (81): 1-5. doi:DOI 10.1186/s41200-016-0082-x.
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Minguez, Laetitia , Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille, Katherine Costil, Ronan Bureau, Jean-Marc Lebel, and Antoine Serpentini. 2014. Assessment Of Cytotoxic And Immunomodulatory Properties Of Four Antidepressants On Primary Cultures Of Abalone Hemocytes (Haliotis Tuberculata).. Aquat Toxicol 153: 3-11. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.10.020.
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Minguez, Laetitia , C Di Poi, E Farcy, Céline Ballandonne, Amira Benchouala, Clément Bojic, Carole Cossu-Leguille, et al.. 2014. Comparison Of The Sensitivity Of Seven Marine And Freshwater Bioassays As Regards Antidepressant Toxicity Assessment.. Ecotoxicology 23 (9): 1744-54. doi:10.1007/s10646-014-1339-y.
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Minguez, Laetitia , E Farcy, Céline Ballandonne, Alban Lepailleur, Antoine Serpentini, Jean-Marc Lebel, Ronan Bureau, and Marie-Pierre Halm-Lemeille. 2014. Acute Toxicity Of 8 Antidepressants: What Are Their Modes Of Action?. Chemosphere 108: 314-9. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.01.057.
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Millot, Morgane , Frédéric Bertucci, David Lecchini, Sarah Smeets, Malika René-Trouillefou, and Eric Parmentier. 2021. Characteristics Of Sound Production And Associated Pharyngeal Jaws In The Tomtate Grunt Haemulon Aurolineatum (Cuvier, 1830) In Caribbean Reefs. Belgian Journal Of Zoology 151. doi:10.26496/bjz.2021.84.
Miller, Michael J, Reinhold Hanel, Eric Feunteun, and Katsumi Tsukamoto. 2020. The Food Source Of Sargasso Sea Leptocephali. Marine Biology 167 (5). doi:10.1007/s00227-020-3662-6.
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Miller, Michael J, Sam Wouthuyzen, Eric Feunteun, Jun Aoyama, Shun Watanabe, Augy Syahailatua, Mari Kuroki, et al. 2019. Contrasting Biodiversity Of Eel Larvae Across The Central Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre. Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Tropical Studies In Oceanography 161: 120–131.
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Milanin, Tiago , Patrick D Mathews, André C Morandini, Omar Mertins, Fabienne Audebert, Jose OL Pereira, and Antonio AM Maia. 2021. Morphostructural Data And Phylogenetic Relationships Of A New Cnidarian Myxosporean Infecting Spleen Of An Economic And Ecological Important Bryconid Fish From Brazil. Microbial Pathogenesis 150: 104718. doi:10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104718.
Michelet, Claire , Daniela Zeppilli, Cédric Hubas, Elisa Baldrighi, Philippe Cuny, Guillaume Dirberg, Cécile Militon, et al.. 2021. First Assessment Of The Benthic Meiofauna Sensitivity To Low Human-Impacted Mangroves In French Guiana. Forests 12 (3): 338. doi:10.3390/f12030338.
Mfilinge, Prosper L, Tarik Meziane, Zainudin Bachok, and Makoto Tsuchiya. 2005. Total Lipid And Fatty Acid Classes In Decomposing Mangrove Leaves Of Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza And Kandelia Candel: Significance With Respect To Lipid Input. Journal Of Oceanography 61 (3): 613 - 622. doi:10.1007/s10872-005-0069-4.
Mfilinge, Prosper L, Tarik Meziane, Zainudin Bachok, and Makoto Tsuchiya. 2005. Litter Dynamics And Particulate Organic Matter Outwelling From A Subtropical Mangrove In Okinawa Island, South Japan. Estuarine, Coastal And Shelf Science 63 (1-2): 301 - 313. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2004.11.022.
Mfilinge, PL , Tarik Meziane, Z Bachok, and M Tsuchiya. 2003. Fatty Acids In Decomposing Mangrove Leaves: Microbial Activity, Decay And Nutritional Quality. Marine Ecology Progress Series 265: 97 - 105. doi:10.3354/meps265097.
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Meziane, Tarik , Laurent Bodineau, Christian Retiere, and Guy Thoumelin. 1997. The Use Of Lipid Markers To Define Sources Of Organic Matter In Sediment And Food Web Of The Intertidal Salt-Marsh-Flat Ecosystem Of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, France. Journal Of Sea Research 38 (1-2): 47 - 58. doi:10.1016/S1385-1101(97)00035-X.