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Fernández, Jorge Mondéjar, François J Meunier, Richard Cloutier, Gaël Clément, and Michel Laurin. 2022. Life History And Ossification Patterns In Miguashaia Bureaui Reveal The Early Evolution Of Osteogenesis In Coelacanths. Peerj 10: e13175. doi:10.7717/peerj.1317510.37473/fic/10.7717/peerj.13175.
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Trudeau, Vance L, Sylvie Dufour, and Patrick Prunet. 2020. The Life And Times Of Olivier Kah Through The Lens Of Fish Endocrinologists. General And Comparative Endocrinology 293: 113480. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113480.
Cambrone, Christopher , Frank Cézilly, Rémi Wattier, Cyril Eraud, and Etienne Bezault. 2021. Levels Of Genetic Differentiation And Gene Flow Between Four Populations Of The Scaly-Naped Pigeon, Patagioenas Squamosa: Implications For Conservation. Studies On Neotropical Fauna And Environment: 1 - 13. doi:10.1080/01650521.2021.1878765.
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Bouchon, Claude , Soazig Lemoine, Charlotte R Dromard, and Yolande Bouchon-Navaro. 2016. Level Of Contamination By Metallic Trace Elements And Organic Molecules In The Seagrass Beds Of Guadeloupe Island.. Environmental Science And Pollution Research 23: 61-72.
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Keith, Philippe , Nicolas Poulet, Gaël Denys, Changeux Thomas, Eric Feunteun, and Henri Persat. 2020. Les Poissons D’eau Douce De France. 2ndend ed. Paris: Biotope Editions, Mèze ; Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (collection Inventaires et biodiversité).
Debache, Isaac , Lorène Jeantet, Damien Chevallier, Audrey Bergouignan, and Cédric Sueur. 2020. A Lean And Performant Hierarchical Model For Human Activity Recognition Using Body-Mounted Sensors. Sensors 20 (11): 3090. doi:10.3390/s20113090.
Canard, Alain , Lionel Prigent, Frédéric Ysnel, Thierry Robin, Alexandre Carpentier, Jean-Claude Lefeuvre, and Frédéric Bioret. 2017. Le Mont-Saint-Michel Et Sa Baie Peuvent-Ils Se Réconcilier ?. Actes Du Colloque De Bailleul 2017 « Valeurs Et Usages Des Zones Humides ».
Le Mao, Patrick , Nicolas Desroy, Jérôme Fournier, Laurent Godet, and Eric Thiébaut. 2017. Le Cas Des Récifs D’hermelles Nuisible Ou Patrimonial : L’évolution Des Perceptions En Milieu Marin. Le Courrier De La Nature 306: 46-49.
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Soissons, L.M. , E.P. Haanstra, M.M. van Katwijk, R. Asmus, I. Auby, L. Barillé, F.G. Brun, et al.. 2018. Latitudinal Patterns In European Seagrass Carbon Reserves: Influence Of Seasonal Fluctuations Versus Short-Term Stress And Disturbance Events. Frontiers In Plant Science 9 (88). doi:doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00088.
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Lejeune, Léa , Hélène Tabouret, Laura Taillebois, Dominique Monti, and Philippe Keith. 2016. Larval Traits Of The Caribbean Amphidromous Goby Sicydium Punctatum (Gobioidei: Sicydiinae) In Guadeloupe. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish 25: 272-280.
McClanahan, Timothy R, Joseph M Maina, Emily S Darling, Mireille MM Guillaume, Nyawira A Muthiga, Stephanie D’agata, Julien Leblond, et al.. 2020. Large Geographic Variability In The Resistance Of Corals To Thermal Stress. Global Ecology And Biogeography. doi:10.1111/geb.13191.
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Tréguer, Paul , Eric Goberville, Nicolas Barrier, Stéphane L'Helguen, Pascal Morin, Yann Bozec, Peggy Rimmelin-Maury, et al.. 2014. Large And Local-Scale Influences On Physical And Chemical Characteristics Of Coastal Waters Of Western Europe During Winter. Journal Of Marine Systems 139: 79–90.
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Vallet, Marine , Tarik Meziane, Najet Thiney, Soizic Prado, and Cédric Hubas. 2020. Laminariales Host Does Impact Lipid Temperature Trajectories Of The Fungal Endophyte Paradendryphiella Salina (Sutherland.). Marine Drugs 18: 379. doi:10.3390/md18080379.
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Ravaux, Juliette , and Sébastien Duperron. 2022. La Vie En Milieu Extrême. Editions Quae.
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Teichert, Nils , Mario Lepage, Nicolas Hette-Tronquart, and Christine Argillier. 2021. La Protection Des Milieux Aquatiques. Vulnérabilité Et Sensibilité Fonctionnelle Des Communautés De Poissons. Sciences Eaux & Territoires N° 37 (3): 76 - 81. doi:10.3917/set.037.0076.
Pruvost, Patrice , Guy Duhamel, Frederic Le Manach, and M LD Palomares. 2015. La Pêche Aux Îles Saint-Paul Et Amsterdam. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 23 (1): 37-45.
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Haubrock, Phillip J, Camille Bernery, Ross N Cuthbert, Chunlong Liu, Melina Kourantidou, Boris Leroy, Anna J Turbelin, et al. 2022. Knowledge Gaps In Economic Costs Of Invasive Alien Fish Worldwide. Science Of The Total Environment 803: 149875. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149875.
Fuentes, MMPB , E McMichael, CY Kot, I Silver-Gorges, BP Wallace, BJ Godley, AML Brooks, et al. 2023. Key Issues In Assessing Threats To Sea Turtles: Knowledge Gaps And Future Directions. Endangered Species Research 52: 303 - 341. doi:10.3354/esr01278.
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Coché, Lorraine , Elie Arnaud, Laurent Bouveret, Romain David, Eric Foulquier, Nadège Gandilhon, Etienne Jeannesson, et al.. 2021. Kakila Database: Towards A Fair Community Approved Database Of Cetacean Presence In The Waters Of The Guadeloupe Archipelago Based On Citizen Science. Biodiversity Data Journal 9. doi:10.3897/BDJ.9.e69022.
Bosseboeuf, Adrien , Amandine Baron, Elise Duval, Aude Gautier, Pascal Sourdaine, and Pierrïck Auvray. 2019. K092A And K092B, Two Peptides Isolated From The Dogfish (Scyliorhinus Canicula L.), With Potential Antineoplastic Activity Against Human Prostate And Breast Cancer Cells. Marine Drugs 17 (12): 672. doi:10.3390/md17120672.
Fellous, Alexandre , Pascal Favrel, Ximing Guo, and Guillaume Rivière. 2014. The Jumonji Gene Family In Crassostrea Gigas Suggests Evolutionary Conservation Of Jmj-C Histone Demethylases Orthologues In The Oyster Gametogenesis And Development.. Gene 538 (1): 164-75. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2013.12.016.
Methou, Pierre , Ivan Hernández-Ávila, Johanne Aube, Valérie Cueff-Gauchard, Nicolas Gayet, Louis Amand, Bruce Shillito, Florence Pradillon, and Marie-Anne Cambon-Bonavita. 2019. Is It First The Egg Or The Shrimp? – Diversity And Variation In Microbial Communities Colonizing Broods Of The Vent Shrimp Rimicaris Exoculata During Embryonic Development. Frontiers In Microbiology 10. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.00808.
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François, Donatien , Sylvain Ursenbacher, Alexandre Boissinot, Frédéric Ysnel, and Olivier Lourdais. 2021. Isolation-By-Distance And Male-Biased Dispersal At A Fine Spatial Scale: A Study Of The Common European Adder (Vipera Berus) In A Rural Landscape. Conservation Genetics 22 (5): 823 - 837. doi:10.1007/s10592-021-01365-y.
Praveenraj, Jayasimhan , Rajendran Kiruba‐Sankar, Kandasamy Saravanan, Tejas Thackeray, Pratima Singh, John Daniel Mar Knight, and Philippe Keith. 2022. Sicyopterus Garra Hora, 1925, A Valid Species Of Sicydiine Goby From The Andaman Islands, India. Journal Of Fish Biology 101 (5): 1189 - 1198. doi:10.1111/jfb.v101.510.1111/jfb.15189.
Grémillet, David , Clara Péron, Jean-Baptiste Pons, Rhida Ouni, Matthieu Authier, Matthieu Thévenet, and Jérôme Fort. 2014. Irreplaceable Area Extends Marine Conservation Hotspot Off Tunisia: Insights From Gps-Tracking Scopoli’s Shearwaters From The Largest Seabird Colony In The Mediterranean. Marine Biology 161: 2669–2680.
Shillito, Bruce , Françoise Gaill, and Juliette Ravaux. 2014. The Ipocamp Pressure Incubator For Deep-Sea Fauna. J Mar Sci Technol 22 (1): 97-102. doi:10.6119/JMST-013-0718-3 .
Lin, Chien-Ju , Shan-Ru Jeng, Zhen-Yuan Lei, When-Shiun Yueh, Sylvie Dufour, Guan-Chung Wu, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2021. Involvement Of Transforming Growth Factor Beta Family Genes In Gonadal Differentiation In Japanese Eel, Anguilla Japonica, According To Sex-Related Gene Expressions. Cells 10: 3007.
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Zhang, Yan , Shinya Shikina, Yu-Ying Ho, Yi-Ling Chiu, Jack I-Chen Yao, Céline Zatylny-Gaudin, Sylvie Dufour, and Ching-Fong Chang. 2021. Involvement Of Rfamide Neuropeptides In Polyp Contraction Of The Adult Scleractinian Corals Euphyllia Ancora And Stylophora Pistillata. General And Comparative Endocrinology 314: 113905. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2021.113905.
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Godet, Laurent , Patrick Le Mao, Eric Thiébaut, Christian Retière, Louis Cabioc'h, Franck Gentil, Nicolas Desroy, and Jérôme Fournier. 2015. Invertébrés Marins Introduits Dans Le Golfe Normand-Breton Depuis 1920. In Atlas Permanent De La Mer Et Du Littoral. Vol. 7. Nantes: Université de Nantes.
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Touroult, Julien , Laurent PONCET, Philippe Keith, Vincent Boullet, Gérard ARNAL, Hervé Brustel, and Jean-Philippe SIBLET. 2015. Inventaires Et Atlas Nationaux De Distribution : Pour Une Approche Plus Itérative Et Un Rééquilibrage Taxinomique. Revue D’ecologie (Terre Et Vie) 70 (2): 97-120.
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Dromard, Charlotte R, Yolande Bouchon-Navaro, Sébastien Cordonnier, and Claude Bouchon. 2016. The Invasive Lionfish, Pterois Volitans, Used As A Sentinel Species To Assess The Organochlorine Pollution By Chlordecone In Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). Marine Pollution Bulletin 107 ((2016): 102-106.
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Ribaudo, Cristina , Juliette Tison-Rosebery, Damien Buquet, Gwilherm Jan, Aurélien Jamoneau, Gwenaël Abril, Pierre Anschutz, and Vincent Bertrin. 2018. Invasive Aquatic Plants As Ecosystem Engineers In An Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake. Frontiers In Plant Science 9. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.01781.
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Denys, Gaël , Geiger Mathias, Henri Persat, Philippe Keith, and Agnès Dettai. 2015. Invalidity Of Gasterosteus Gymnurus (Cuvier, 1829) (Actinopterygii, Gasterosteidae) According To Integrative Taxonomy. . Cybium 39 (1): 37-45.
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Diagne, C. , B. Leroy, R. E Gozlan, A.-C. Vaissière, C. Assailly, L. Nuninger, D. Roiz, F. Jourdain, I. Jarić, and F. Courchamp. 2020. Invacost, A Public Database Of The Economic Costs Of Biological Invasions Worldwideabstract. Scientific Data 7 (1). doi:10.1038/s41597-020-00586-z.
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Cozzolino, Lorenzo , Katy R Nicastro, P C Hubbard, Laurent Seuront, Christopher D McQuaid, and Gerardo I Zardi. 2024. Intraspecific Genetic Lineages Of A Marine Mussel Show Behavioural Divergence When Exposed To Microplastic Leachates. Environmental Pollution 340 (1). doi:
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